News and Announcements

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A Letter To All Parents & Players

Posted by Kris Dunne at Apr 6, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


A Letter To All NMLL Parents & Players

The New Milford Little League Executive Board wanted to share with the league all that is going on behind the scenes for the past few month and looking ahead at this, our 60th Season. 

We invite everyone to please go to the menu bar on the left and click "2011 Letter to Our Parents"

If anyone has any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at

Thank you and we are all looking forward to an incredible and exciting 2011 season of Little League baseball.


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Looking Ahead At Our 2011 Season...

Posted by Kris Dunne at Apr 6, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

April, 2012


Dear New Milford Little Leaguers and Parents:

We just kicked off our 2012 Season of New Milford Little League, and we couldn't be more excited. While baseball has just started for you and yours, we had a busy offseason getting things ready for this year.


We recently added several new members to the NMLL Executive Board. First, we would like to welcome Mike Liguori, who will be assisting as a co-Player Agent for our Farm and T-Ball Divisions. Mike has been with the league for the past four seasons as one of our most valued managers and coaches and we are proud to work alongside him in his newest capacity.


Our newest endeavor also brought us four new additions to our board, and we're grateful to have two former NMLL members back in the fold. As you may (or may not) know, we recently added two new divisions of baseball to the league — Junior and Senior. These are Little League Internationals divisions for 13/14 and 15/16 year olds. They will be playing in District 4 with many other teams from the area with a packed schedule of home games at LaBarbera Field and away games in other towns. In order to help take the large task of organizing and running these divisions, Tom Schreck, Ray Cottiers and former NMLL Board Members Rick Penser and Billy Moskal have joined our board and will be handling the day-to-day duties of the Junior and Senior Leagues for New Milford. 


Another new division we are extremely proud of is our Challenger League. This is a division created by Little League International for special needs children. New Milford Little League is only the 45th town in New Jersey to have a Challenger League and we are honored to have launched such a wonderful program for our community. Players will be having practices and games this season, and it wouldn't have been possible without the support of our board members as well as members of the community such as Mayor Ann Subrizi, Superintendent Michael Polizzi, Director of Special Services Ray Dorso, NMHS Athletic Director and Recreation Chairman Joe Riccadelli and volunteers such as Bart and Diane Nativo. But most importantly thank you to the players and parents who have taken this giant leap with us.


New Milford Little League is an independent organization that thrives on its volunteers and contributions from the community. What this means is that the league is totally self-sufficient and receives no financial aid from any local government sources. All revenue to run our league, including paying utility (electric, gas, water and phone) bills, field maintenance, uniform and equipment costs, insurance, etc. is all a direct result of tuition, fundraising, etc. We are eternally thankful to all of these people and sponsors who help make the league what it is. Please thank our countless managers, coaches, stand volunteers, board members, and team parents, and our 44 amazing sponsors by supporting their places of business. Also thank you to all who support our fundraisers such as our GIANT 50/50 raffle, our first-ever Texas Hold'Em Tournament and our new magnet sale. All upcoming and current activities are listed on the Events page on the website. Stay tuned for more great events and programs that help raise vital dollars for our league.


We are enjoying our biggest enrollment in years and will continue to work hard to keep baseball thriving in New Milford for years to come. Your participation, understanding, commitment and support is greatly appreciated. Thank you to all and let's have an amazing season in 2012!



Respectfully Yours In Service,

New Milford Little League Executive Board




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Umpire Schedules

Posted by Kris Dunne at Apr 3, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Umpire Schedules Posted

Umpiring schedules are now posted on the site. Click the tab on the left to view them.

Minor League managers and coaches will be responsible for umpiring the bases for Major League games.

Major League managers and coaches will be responsible for umpiring Clinic League games.

Minor League division will now be using carded umpires.

Thank you and any problems or questions, please contact your division's Player Agent.

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Pavone Field Closed Until Opening Day

Posted by Kris Dunne at Apr 3, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Pavone Field Closed
Pavone Field will be CLOSED until Opening Day due to renovations and field improvements. Thank You.

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Posted by Kris Dunne at Mar 31, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

More Details & Ticket Ordering Coming Soon!


