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June 2004 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Jun 5, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
OTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING June 8, 2004 @ 12:30PM at Eagle II Diner in Millsboro DE Present: Pres. Meredith, VP Corrallo, Sec. Mair, Treas. Bill Neyen, Rendina (VFW), Steinmacher and Alexander (Green), Weber and Clements (Ocean View Family Restaurant), Barry (Wells Fargo Mortgage), Slack and Smith (Turquoise), Bokop (Dynamic PT), and McCabe (Orange). Red was not represented. The following issues were discussed and decided upon: 1. The Green team lost 2 strong players since the season started. To compensate, Bill Cordrey will be assigned to Green if he comes out; until then, Green may pick up 2 strong players from other teams each game. Chris Brown was assigned to Green; when he comes regularly, Green may then pick up just 1 strong player for each game. 2. CHANGE: If a team has less than 9 players, it can pick up enough players to make 9; the opposing team provides a catcher. If a team has 10 players, no catcher will be provided. 3. CHANGE: Coaches may agree before the game on players who are allowed to have a substitute runner starting from home. 4. CHANGE: 2nd and 3rd bases are now force bases. If the ball beats the runner to the base he is going to, the runner is out; a tag is not required even if the runner is not forced. 5. The Secretary moved that June 11 games be cancelled in deference to the National Day of Mourning for former Pres. Reagan. The motion died for lack of a 2nd. 6. The pros and cons of each of the 3 fields at Indian River HS were considered. When we move to IRHS, we will use the varsity softball (small, upper) field (passed 7-3). Hits over the fence will be ground rule doubles (passed 8-2). Bases will be 60’ apart. 7. Chuck Laws is determining interest for OTS players, spouses, friends to attend a Shorebirds game as a group including the buffet package. Managers - give Chuck a count for your team by June 11. 8. SCHEDULE CHANGES: The championship game between the 1st half and 2nd half champions will be played Tues. Sept. 7 @10AM at the Millsboro field. If Grey VFW qualifies, they will be replaced by a team selected by the Executive Committee. The 1st rained out games (originally scheduled for May 28) will be made up on Aug. 31; the 2nd rained out games (have not occurred yet!) will be made up on Sept. 3. No other rainouts will be made up. Fall ball will begin at Millsboro on Tues. Sept. 14. 9. The OTS picnic will be Sunday Sept. 12 - the day after the DSO games. 10. Senior Olympics managers will hold tryouts for their DSO teams. Those players not assigned to one of those teams may register individually with DSO for the Sept. 11 games. 11. Pete Rendina, George McCabe, and Bill Neyen will investigate availability and cost of mats for the batters’ boxes at Millsboro. 12. Nominations for league officers will open August 1 and close Aug. 17. Voting will take place Aug. 24. Ballots will be given to the managers to circulate and collect. The new slate will take office at the picnic. Transitional meeting will be scheduled. Terms of the Pres, VP, Sec, and Treas. Are 2 years. You may nominate yourself. Meeting adjourned at 1:50PM. Harriet Mair League Secretary
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April 2004 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Apr 28, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
OTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING April 27, 2004 @ 12:30PM at Eagle 2 Diner in Millsboro DE Present: Pres. Meredith, VP Corrallo, Sec. Mair, Treas. Neyen, Slack, Smith, Towson, Stradley, Clements, Myers, Bowman, Allen, Williams, Cavalluzzo, Rendina, Bokop, Woods Current balance in OTS Treasury is $8,445.83. The spaghetti dinner cleared about $2300. The league has two sponsors and two patrons. Ocean View Deli will sponsor the Gold team and Dynamic Physical Therapy will sponsor the Blue team. An 8th team is will be sponsored by Wells Fargo. The Maroon team will morph to the Teal team. Over 100 people have signed up for this season. Several motions were presented, discussed, and voted upon: 1. That the 2004 OTS League consist of 7 teams 5 for, 5 against, 1 abstention - motion failed 2. That the 2004 OTS League consist of 8 teams. Teams must have 9 players to play a game (own players and borrowed); the opposing team will supply a catcher when the opposing team is at bat. When a team has 10 players to play a game, the opposing team will again supply a catcher. Motion passed unanimously 3. (Indian River High School will not be available until June 21.) The season will consist of 32 game dates, split into two sections of 16 dates. For the first half of the season (until c. 7/2/04), OTS will use the Millsboro (M&T Bank) field for 2 games and the Georgetown (Sports at the Beach) complex for 2 games each on game days; for the second half of the season (starting c. 7/05/04), OTS will use the Millsboro and IRHS fields for 2 games each on game days. A schedule has been sent to all on this listing and will be posted at the fields. It will also be available for downloading on the web site. 7 for, 3 against, 1 abstention - motion passed Jim Stradley said he is retiring; George Towson/Ron Allen will manage the Green team. Rick Barry will be asked to manage the 8th team and select an assistant. (Note: He was called and has accepted the job) Players who were not assigned to a team during the regular summer 2003 season ("new players") are to practice/scrimmage at Millsboro Tues. May 4 starting at 10AM. Managers and assistants will attend for evaluation purposes. All other registered players will practice in Georgetown that day. Because an 8th team needs to be formed, a fairly extensive draft is necessary. Additional motions were presented, discussed, and voted upon: 1. That there be a complete draft. Prior to the complete draft, each team will consist of 2 players the manager and the assistant 5 for, 5 against, 1 abstention - motion failed 1. That each of the current 7 teams will consist of 4 players - the manager, assistant, and 2 players protected from its 2003 regular summer season roster. The new team will consist of its manager, assistant, and 2 players who are not protected/are "new." 9 for, 1 against, 1 abstention - motion passed The draft will be held at a 1PM meeting of the Board of Directors on Tues. May 4 at VFW 7234. Meeting adjourned at 2:20PM. Harriet Mair League Secretary
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February 2004 Players Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Feb 19, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
OTS GENERAL MEETING Bethany Town Hall Feb. 18, 2004 The annual general meeting of OTS participants and prospects was called to order by President Gary Meredith at 7:05PM. President Meredith updated the attendees as follows: 1) 55 player registrations have been received; in a non-binding poll, most players want to keep teams basically as is. 2) 4 teams have sponsors; 3 or 4 more are needed @ $300/yr. Patron level is $100. Sponsors and patrons will be featured on the OTS web-page. 3) OTS plans to field 4 teams (55, 60, 65, 70) in the fall DE Senior Olympics; this is a qualifying year for the ’05 National Senior Games. 4) The ’04 OTS budget is $6300. Copies were distributed. Insurance is required by M & T Bank and Indian River HS. 5) OTS will have a PO Box in 2004. 6) Practice starts in April. 7) Part-time/occasional players will pay $35, not be assigned to a team, not get a shirt and hat, but will be the first players called on as subs. 8) OTS will have a rain #. Mike Carta, Senior Olympic/Tournament Chair, presented a rundown of known tournaments. Olney MD hosts tournaments in May (for 55’s and 60’s) and in July (for 65’s and 70’s). OTS plans to send a team in each category. Mike suggested that OTS host a tournament - perhaps in August at Sports at the Beach in Georgetown. At its last meeting, the OTS Board discussed eliminating playoffs, play more league games, and allow for rain date/make-ups at the end of the season. Attendees at this meeting rejected the idea. After considerable discussion, Ron Weber moved the following: the OTS schedule will be divided into 1st half and 2nd half; at the end of 1st half play, the Executive Board will assess team balance and make adjustments as needed; the 1st half champion will play the 2nd half champion in a single championship game. Seconded by Frank Whaples. Approved. Nick Spalaris shared the plans for the Night League. Sal Corrallo presented April ’04 spring training plans. Practice starts April 6 and continues on Tuesdays and Fridays 10AM-12 noon. Both Millsboro (M&T Bank) and Georgetown (Sports at the Beach) will be utilized. Players may go to either venue until their manager advises them differently. Ron Weber reported on the improvements scheduled for the M&T Bank field prior to spring training. In April, OTS will decide where to play League games. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM. Harriet Mair OTS Secretary
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February 2004 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Feb 10, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Report on the February 11 OTS Board Meeting. Compiled by Sal Corrallo The meeting was held in the Ocean View VFW post and hosted by Pete Rendina. All were reminded that the 2004 Players Meeting will be held in the Ocean View Town Hall on February 18 at 7:00 PM. Plans for the 2004 season will be presented for comment. This will include a proposed 2004 budget prepared by Bill Neyen and approved by the Board on February 11, 2004. It was expected that all teams would have a formal sponsor. Currently we have four sponsors and need from three to four more. The cost of sponsoring a team is $300.00. This includes the name on the jersey, on the web page as a team in the standings, and on the web under sponsors. The sponsor listing will include their business description, location, address, telephone number and web page. Discussion was held on the potential games and make up of 2004 Tournament Teams. First, discussion was held as to make up of Tournament teams. OTS will form one team from each division, using the best players available. OTS players (and those in the night league), when invited, are encouraged to play on OTS uniformed and managed team. Currently OTS fields three teams, one each in the 60-64, 65-69, and 70+ divisions. A 55-59 team was also fielded but not uniformed by OTS in 2003, but uniforms are available for 2004. Players on tournament teams are provided with a hat they may keep once but must return the jersey each year. In 2003 OTS player John Brandau, who will also manage in 2004, managed it. . For 2004, the 60-64 team will be managed by Glen Chisholm, the 65-69 Team by Gary Meredith, and the 70+ Team by Jim Stradley. Assistant managers have not been named. Mike Carta serves as the OTS Tournament Identifier and Scheduler. In the fall of 2004,the Delaware Senior Olympics will be held in Dover in September of October. This year’s games will serve as a qualifier for the National Senior Games to be held in Pittsburgh PA in the late spring in 2005. Carta also reported that the 65-69 and 70+ Teams have been invited to play on July 25 in Olney Maryland. He is trying to get an invitation for the 60-64 team. The Board decided not to play in this year's Eastern Shore Games on April 23-24, due to the lack of competition and fees. Carta was asked to look into a tournament held up state in the same time period, as well as other possible tournament sites. It was also suggested that we might want to consider sponsoring our own tournament in the new Sports at the Beach facility. Plans are for Spring training will be held in the new Sports at the Beach playing fields on Route 9 just east of Georgetown on the way to Lewes. Three fields are being made available on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10am to 12 noon. Direction to the field will be distributed at the Players meeting and will be posted on the web site. Gary reported on the results of the player’s survey from about 40 players. The results will be updated at the Players meeting. It was agreed that unless a player can commit to playing a full schedule with the team he is assigned. That he should be classified as a permanent sub. He will receive no uniform and will be charged $35.00 for the season. Permanent subs will be the first players selected when a team is short. If no players are needed, for the games at hand, the player can wait for another game, but in any there will be no guarantee the player will play on any given day, if there is no need for a substitute. A proposed schedule for eight teams was distributed with a listing of playing dates. A final schedule will not be developed until teams are selected. In case of an odd number of teams, double headers will be scheduled on any given day for one team to play the team who would ordinarily not be scheduled to play. There will be no playoffs in 2004. However dates will be held open at the end of the year to make up rained out games Copies of the by laws are in the handouts section of the web page. A limited number will be provided to the managers and officers and will be available for review at the Players Meeting. The league will be getting U S Postal Box in the near future. (It was also suggested to Gary after the meeting that OTS look into the renting of a small storage unit for uniforms and other equipment) The final order of business was the review of the managers 2003 rating of players. Each player was rated from, a low of one to a high of four, on four criteria: hitting, running, fielding, and throwing. A total high of 16 points to a low of 4 points resulted for each player. The points for each player will used to equalize the strength of each team if we maintain existing teams or form new teams through the draft.
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January 2004 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Jan 14, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Minutes of the January 14 meeting of the OTS Board The meeting was held in the Ocean View Town Hall on January 14, 2004. League President Gary Meredith presiding. All 2003 Teams were represented along with the officers and a few players. Plans for the fund raising spaghetti dinner were discussed. Tickets have been sent with the 2004 registration materials. Each is asked to sell four tickets. 450 are the planning number. We will request the use of the lower level, if the need arises. There will be two seatings. One at 4:30 and the other at 6:00pm. All OTS players attending are asked to help either in the setup early dinner phase or the late dinner clean up phase. Sal Corrallo will be collecting names over the next few months. Be prepared to sign up at the February 18 General meeting to be held in the Bethany Beach Town Hall at 7:00 PM. Gary will collect fees for both events. There will also be two 50-50 drawings. One drawing will be held for the early seating and another for the late seating. Posters will be distributed at the February 18 meeting. Treasurer Bill Neyen will draw up an operating budget for 2004. It will not include one-time capital expenses such as the Millsboro field improvement work. He will also order extra home scoring plates and strike plate extensions. Gary reported that the insurance for 2004 season has been paid. However OTS teams have not been registered with the Amateur Softball Association as yet. The league will follow ASA rules for 2004. A .44 yellow optic ball will be used on a trial bases for 2004. Bats banned by ASA will not be allowed. Sponsors for teams are still being solicited. Three teams currently have a sponsor. (VFW 7234, one of our longest and biggest supporters, is one of them) Five more sponsors are being solicited. Archie Alexander showed the plaque presented to sponsors. It includes a Jersey, a Senior Olympic Medal, and a certificate. Sponsors are also to be listed on the OTS web page with additional information on their business. A link to their web page, if any, will also be included in the $300.00 contribution. Contact Archie at 302 226 8381, if you have any hot leads. Archie also discussed publicity plans for 2004, including leaflets to be distributed through churches, Mediacom and Comcast announcements, newspaper articles and TV station spots. The Board spent a considerable amount of time going over and amending the league by laws. A Revised Version will be posted within a week (by January 21) on the web site under Handouts. The by-laws may be downloaded and printed. Hard copies will be available for those without an Internet connection and will be available at the Feb 18 meeting. The league will again play on Tuesday and Friday. It is uncertain where games will be played at this time. Spring training will be a problem as all players come together. However it was suggested that we use the new Sports at the Beach on Route 9 south of Georgetown for April 6 opening of spring training since Millsboro is the only place available but is too small for that month. Arrangements are being made to use three fields so that all players may come at the same time. No work has been done on the Millsboro Field. The contract calls for work to be completed by the end of February. Practice continues on Tuesday and Friday when the temperature and/or wind chill is 45 degrees or more. League play will begin on May 4. The next meeting of the Board will be in Feburary to consider team makeup and playing fields to be used.