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October 2004 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Oct 26, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
OTS Board/Manager Meeting Eagle Diner, Millsboro, DE Friday, October 22, 2004 ¡V 12:00 Noon In Attendance: Tom Harvey (Pres.), Sal Corrallo (VP), Bill Neyen (Treas.), Ron Weber (Sec.) Bo Wood (DPT), Neil Flemming (VFW), Ray Meyers (OC), Rich Barry (WF), Bob Shaefer (RR), Jim Steinmacher (GH), Wayne Smith (TT) Meeting Minutes 1. Minutes of the September 2004 mtg. were approved 2. Treasurer¡¦s Report: Bill Neyen a. Report was reviewed and approved b. Bill noted that the Porta Jon at the M&T field was paid through the end of Oct. c. Sal noted that the $75 Web page subscription for the upcoming year had recently been paid. d. Current balance in the OTS account is $7,020 3. Report on the New Ball fields at Church of God in Dagsboro: Ron Weber & Bo Wood a. Due to the high expense, the committee is recommending that OTS look into continued use of the fields at Indian River. The estimated cost to improve the COG fields in Dagsboro would be in excess of $5,000. This includes backstops, benches, bleachers, and equipment rental to remove sod from the infield. b. This item be tabled until: „Ï Don Clements and Gary Meredith contact IR to obtain approval on the use of the fields, as well as our ability to improve them as needed. „Ï Ron Weber and John Walker contact the Church of God to see if they will commit to letting us use the fields for the next 4-5 years. This would help us recoup some of the improvement costs, should we decide to use them. They will also ask for approval to remove all of the infield sod, to minimize injury caused by the ball taking a bad hop on wet grass. 4. New Managers for 2005: Tom Harvey a. 5 new managers are need for the 2005 season. Gary Meridith and Ed Sternberg have indicated an interest, which needs to be confirmed. b. Tom stated that current managers and board members are to submit nominations for new managers to Sal Corrallo by December 1, 2004. 5. Manager Player Ratings: Sal Corrallo a. Ratings for each players fielding, throwing, hitting and running skills, were presented by their respective team manager or assistant manager. Ratings were then discussed by all present, and modified where appropriate. b. Ratings will be incorporated into the 2004 roster and distributed to managers and board members. 6. Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 7. Officer Planning Session: Tom Harvey a. The 4 board members identified and briefly discussed key activities and critical issues that need to be addressed between now and the start of the 2005 season. b. Items were prioritized with a timeline established for each. c. Meetings will be scheduled to address each of the items.
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September 2004 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Sep 12, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
OTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING (9/04) Sept. 10, 2004 @ Noon at Eagle II Diner in Millsboro Present: Outgoing and incoming Presidents Gary Meredith and Tom Harvey, Vice President Sal Corrallo, outgoing and incoming Secretaries Harriet Mair and Ron Weber, Treasurer Bill Neyen, and Bob Shaeffer. Gary Meredith transferred key documents with explanations to Tom Harvey including reservation for picnic pavilion, letters/permits for field use, and team insurance certificates. Taylor Bank will require new signature cards reflecting the new officiary. The following items were listed as requiring attention before the 2005 season begins. The new regime noted that player input will be sought as appropriate. 1. Evaluate current players now with a somewhat revised form; forms will be given to the managers at the picnic. 2. Identify managers for 2005. Four of the 2004 managers have said they will not manage in 2005. 3. Identify playing venue(s). A committee has been formed (Don Clements, Ron Weber, John Walker, Bill Neyen) to evaluate the Church of God (Dagsboro) fields. 4. Revise By-Laws. 5. Attract additional sponsors. 6. Plan publicity campaign. 7. Create 2005 budget. 8. Revise the registration form. 9. Decide on registration fee; consider penalty fee for registrations received after due date. 10. Discuss a code of ethics for managers/players. 11. Consider paying player-umpires a modest fee. 12. Decide on play-off format and special roster rules for play-offs. 13. Update rules on subs; consider that subs can only play C (1st sub), RF (2nd sub),1B (3rd sub). 14. Consider trades after draft but before player notification. The meeting was adjourned at 1:30PM. Harriet Mair League Secretary
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August 2004 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Aug 28, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
OTS AUGUST ‘04 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Aug. 27, 2004 @ 12:30PM at Eagle II Diner in Millsboro DE Present: Pres. Meredith, VP Corrallo, Sec. Mair, Treas. Neyen, Slack + Smith (Turquoise), Steinmacher + Alexander (Green), Bokop + Wood (Dynamic PT), Myers (Orange), Clements + Weber (Ocean View Family Restaurant), Shaeffer (Long & Foster Milton), Rendina + Harvey (VFW). President Gary Meredith reminded us that the OTS picnic is Tuesday Sept. 14 at Holt’s Landing State Park (rain date is Wed. Sept. 15). It starts at 11AM and we’ll start serving food around noon. All players/spouses/significant others are invited; take a side dish or dessert. Gary also reiterated the philosophy of OTS. We play ball together for exercise, fun, and companionship. Our unique rules are for our safety. If there is a question/issue, do what is fair. The frequent rule changes during the 2004 season were a distraction. We learned a lesson - minimize rule changes during the season. On Tuesday Aug. 31, we will make up the games that were rained out on July 23. The League Championship game between the 1st half winner (Ocean View Family Restaurant) and the 2nd half winner (Dynamic PT) will be held on Fri. Sept. 3 at 10:30AM at the M&T Bank field. Make-up games for the Aug. 3 rain out date are cancelled. Instead, there will be an open practice/game on Fri. Sept. 3 at M&T from 8:30-10AM. Players are encouraged to stay and watch the Championship game. The slate of officers nominated for 2002-04 is as follows: Pres. Tom Harvey, VP Ron Allen and Sal Corrallo, Sec. Ron Weber, Treas. Bill Neyen. The ballot will provide for write-ins and will be prepared by the Secretary. Managers will distribute and collect the ballots at their Aug. 31 games. The new officers take office as of the picnic. Fall Ball games will begin Sept. 17. The 8 regular season teams will be merged to form 4 Fall Ball teams. Based on numbers of players agreeing to play Fall Ball by team, the mergers will be as follows: Dynamic PT – Orange Crush Long & Foster Milton – Turquoise Titans Ocean View Family Restaurant – Green Hornets Wells Fargo – VFW Don Clements and Bill Neyen will assess the Dagsboro Church of God fields as a potential venue for OTS. Ray Myers is investigating no-cost OTS return address labels for our new PO Box. Archie Alexander is working on awards for our sponsors. Meeting adjourned at 1:25PM. Harriet Mair, League Secretary
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Posted by Ron Weber at Jul 25, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Check the OTS Albums for 2004 olney team pictures
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July 2004 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Jul 1, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
OTS JULY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING July 2, 2004 @ 12:30 at Eagle II Diner in Millsboro Present: VP Corrallo, Sec. Mair, Treas. Neyen, Slack (Turquoise), Steinmacher (Green), Bokop (Dynamic PT), Myers (Orange), Clements (Ocean View Family Restaurant), Barry (Wells Fargo), Shaeffer (Red), Rendina (VFW). Corrallo presided. The following issues were discussed and decided upon: 1. NEW: Direction of turn after over-running base: if the runner is safe at 1st, 2nd,or 3rd and shows no intent to advance to the next base, the runner is safe regardless of the direction he turns. 2. NEW: Returning to a base: if a runner shows intent to advance to the next base but then attempts to return to the base already achieved, he is out only if tagged out. 3. Managers must, before the start of the game, identify and agree on any batter for whom a substitute runner from home will be permitted. 4. The OTS picnic date is changed from Sunday Sept. 12 to Tues. Sept. 14. 5. The May 28 games that were rained out and rescheduled for Aug. 31 will count as 2nd half games. 6. Last year’s left-over softballs will be used at the M&T Bank field when we run out of this year’s softballs. 7. Due to continued absence and injury, some players will be reassigned to even roster sizes. Meeting adjourned at 1:20 PM. Harriet Mair League Secretary