News and Announcements

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4th of July Picnic Planned for OTS

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jun 28, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

4th of July picnic will take place from 10 am to 1 pm at our fields with pickup softball games.  Families welcome.

Hot dogs, sausages and drinks will be provided.

No need to rsvp, just show up.


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OTS Golf Tourney Big Success

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Nov 2, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Just a quick note to let everyone know how our golf tournament turned out.  It was a huge success, weather was terrific and the course in great shape.  We had 68 golfers, many from OTS but also several groups from outside OTS.  We turned a profit of $1300 for the league.

We'll discuss exactly how the money will be used, but our initial thinking is putting it in a seperate account specifically for upgrading the fields (new infield on both).  That is estimated to be about $8000, so we're well on our way with this one event.

Special thanks to Pat Sherry and Johnny Allen for coming to help sell tickets, put a line on the fairway (not the straightest I've ever seen ! ! !) and draw the door prize tickets.  Also to Deer Run Golf Club, Taylors Restaurant in Ocean Pines and the Ocean View Family Restaurant (Johnny Walker) for their donations of prizes for tournament winners and golfing contests.

Jesse Bare and his team won the tournament - good job ! ! !

And thank you to all the OTS golfers who participated and supported this event.

Bo, Carmine and Dick

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2011 OTS Awards and Picnic

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Sep 26, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The 2011 OTS player awards were given at the 2100 Fall Picnic by President Bo Wood.  They include the "Put on Base Award" to Pat Sherry for intentionally walking in the winning run in a league game.  The "Most Times in the Dirt Award" to Brian Marrin for getting onto the ballfield dirt as a player and umpire more times than any other OTS er.  The "Comeback Player of the Year Award" to Chris Ligenfelder for not letting a serious back injury from playing in the 2011 OTS Summer League.  And finally the "Morrie Award"  to Dick Mullins, as the OTSer who gave unlimited time and outstanding contributions as a player, manager, and officer currently and over the past years.

 The picnic was very succesful as the beer ran out before all were ready to go home.  Thanks to all who gave a great deal of time and effort setting up and cleaning up.

The Ocean View Family Restaurant Team won the regular season 2011 OTS Championship by two full games with 20-7 record.  Led by managers John Walker and John Mancuso, the team was never out of first place over the season.  It was a true team effort led by the outstanding pitching and hitting of manager John Walker.

Check the schedules/standing section of this web site for final team standings for the 2011 season.

Fall open practices will be held every Monday at 9:30 on Field 2.  All are welcome including new players.  check the weather line inn case on inclement weather. 1-877-839-0500