News and Announcements

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Fall Ball Rules of Engagement

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Sep 13, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Revised (2) 2012 Fall Ball Rules of Engagement

Unless otherwise stated, ASA Rules will apply.

Teams in two leagues have been formed. (Under 68 and 68 and Over) See the Mullins Email for teams and schedule. This information will also be posted on the storage shed door on Field 2.  The top listed player is considered to be the manager.

Games will be played at 9:00 am and 10:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Teams will play up to nine innings, managers agreeing and time permitting.  In the 9:30 game, no inning shall begin after 10:25. On Tuesdays, the Overs will play on Field 2 and the Unders on Field 1.  On Thursdays the leagues will switch fields.

Teams needing players must stay within their league age limits to use a substitute.  Any player may used as a substitute regardless of player rating.  When no players are available, non roster players within the league age limit may be used. If not enough players are available, if one team has more players than another, players may be lent to the other to even teams.

The one and one count will apply.  The courtesy foul will not be in play. Team scores will be kept, but will not be posted nor will team standings be compiled.

In the Overs League, no batter may be thrown out at first base from an outfielder.  In the Unders League, all batters must reach first base before a substitute runner may be used.

Whenever possible players on teams not playing are asked to umpire, otherwise the batting team will provide one or two umpires.

Fields will not be lined.  Infields will be dragged and the outfield grass will be cut . Any help maintaining the fields is encouraged.

The OTS weather line will be operative until the last set of games on the Fall Ball schedule.  Open practices will continue on Mondays at 9:00 am through October.

Winter Ball.  Winter Ball will start on Thursday November 1 at 10:00 am, weather permitting. Wind chill should be at least 45 degree or better.  Neither the porta johns and nor the OTS weather line will be available after October 31.

Custom Woodworking, with a record of 20-10, won the regular season championship edging out American Legion Post 24. The 2012 OTS League was very balanced, with the last place team winning 10 games from teams at all levels.

The James Gang sweep of the OTS 2012 Tournament.  They went undefeated in the tournament, and won against LTCI 7-4 on Thursday to clinch the trophy.  Good job to all on The James Gang, ending a great season.


The 4th Annual Olde Tymers Softball Golf Tournament is scheduled for October 30th, 2012 at the Bear Trap Dunes Golf Course.  The price is $40 per golfer, includes golf and cart.  There will be contests and drawings held, format is best ball competition, although those who just want to play their own ball all the way through are welcome.

 Golfers are limited to 100, first come - first served.  Checks should be made payable to Olde Tymes Softball, or OTS, and sent to 31 Federal Hill, Berlin, Md.  21811.

 Questions can be directed to Dick Mullins-443-614-9347.

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2012 Olney Tournament Players Needed

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 7, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Notice to all OTS players 65 to 75.
The league is trying to put together a team in the 65-70 age group (Johnny Allen) and the 70-75 age group (Tommy Farrah) for the Olney Tournament on July 15th.  Both teams are short several players and need a few more.  In Olney, we play three games almost to back to back, so it is better to have about 13 players on each team.  If you are interested and have not already notified the managers, please contact them by Friday 7/6 so they will have time to get a couple practice games in.  If we cannot field the team(s), we will forfeit money.  Thanks.
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2012 OTS Officer Elections Procedure Change

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 7, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
This summer, we elect the league officers.  This will take place in August, each player will receive a ballot (those with e-mail will receive theirs on line).  The procedure for submitting your ballots will be announced at that time.
There is a change in the terms of the officers.  In the past, all 4 Executive Committee members (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) were elected at the same time.  The managers accepted the recommendation this year to stagger the terms of these officers to ensure continuity from year to year, rather than have all 4 possibly be newly elected the same year.  So, here's what we'll be doing:
This year, we will elect the President and Treasurer for 2 year terms, and will elect the Vice President and Secretary for a 1 year term.  Then, starting next year, the V/P and Secretary will be elected to 2 year terms.  We will then have an election each year for the 2 positions whose terms expire.  Even years will be Pres and Treas, odd years will be V/P and Sec.
If anyone is interested in running for any of these positions, please notify me so your name can be placed on the ballot.  As of July 6, the 4 incumbents (Bo, Tom, Keith and I) are on the ballot for re-election to their current positions.  All players are eligible to run for office.