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2014 Picnic Held on September 4th

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Sep 12, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Our year-end picnic was held shortly after the championship game ended at the American Legion. Most people were very happy that it was indoors in the relative coolness instead of outdoors in the heat.

Sky Brady from the Colonial East team was our DJ and master of ceremonies. As always, Sky provided great music, great sound effects and great commentary.

After everyone had their turn at the buffet table, Glenn Kohr from the Edward Jones team impressed us all with his prestidigitation skills and other feats of magic. By the way - did anyone see Chris Davis at the picnic? Maybe Glenn really did make him disappear! Great job Glenn.

Bo Wood (President) took over and presented the Season Championship trophy to Delmarva Long Term Care Insurance Center (LTCI) represented by Dave Sroka, Terry Thomas and LTCI owner Joe Gahm. Congratulations to all the LTCI team players. Bo then presented the Tournament Championship trophy to B & E Tires represented by Grady Meredith and Neil Fleming, although it must be noted that Neil didn't say much and it was almost as if he wasn't there. Congratulations to all the B & E team players.

The Ground Crew was recognized for their continuous service throughout the year and the excellent job they did keeping the fields in great shape. Johnny Allen was presented with a gift certificate to the American Legion for him and his team consisting of Ed West, Johnny Walker, Carl Pierce, Terry Thomas and Pat Sherry. Thanks guys.

Gary Kane was recognized for his job of running the Monday morning practices, which, by the way, will continue until the end of October. Thanks Gary.

Bob Schaeffer and Ducky Clements were given plaques for their long years of dedication to OTS. Bob and Ducky are the only remaining players still in OTS from the original 11 players that went to the Delaware Senior Olympics in 1997 and won the tournament. Ducky made some comments about the "good ole days", including saying that if you think our rules situation is bad now, you should have been around back then. "There was new rule made every inning."

Sherry Walker and Joyce Clements were recognized for running the concession stand all summer long. Great job ladies. Tom Hunsberger was recognized for his contribution towards the sprinkler systems which have been installed on both fields. Rick Duncan was thanked for his contribution of a roller and a backstop pad. Grady Meredith was recognized for his contribution of dog silhouettes which are guaranteed to keep the geese (and their unwelcome deposits) away from the fields. Thanks to all of you.

Bo made a presentation of the 12th Man Award to Jeff Martins for his work over the years in obtaining the league trophies and plaques.

As Bo was now finished, Dick Mullins (Secretary) took center stage and presented Bo with a gift certificate to Hammerheads Restaurant for all the hard work Bo does for the league. Thanks Bo.

Harry Gowl (Vice President) then announced that he had just received a $500 contribution to OTS from Buddy Robinson and Robinson Furniture. Thanks Buddy.

Dick Mullins announced the results of the yearly election. Since all incumbents this year were running unopposed, Bo Wood (President), Keith Purdy (Treasurer) and Tom Wendorf (Information Officer) were elected by default.

Mike Fleetwood then talked about the upcoming golf tournament on October 29th. Players and sponsors are welcome and needed.

Bo then ended the official proceedings.

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Solar Energy Opportunity

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Sep 12, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Tom Harvey, who played for Dynamic PT this year, has had a solar energy system installed at his house. He is very happy with the system and the installation company.

A couple of players have expressed interest in solar systems. Tom is passing along the information below to those interested.

From Tom: 

Several guys in the league have expressed an interest in a solar system I recently installed. I sent them this note. As an after-thought it occurred to me that others in OTS may have an interest in checking it out…and saving some money too. I do get a referral fee if someone buys or leases a system and gives them my referral code. I would be pleased to contribute $200 of that to the league for every system sold or leased using my code.  

Tom Harvey

Below  is contact information for Sungevity, my solar energy provider. I got hooked up with them through Lowes, who is an investor in the company and a marketing outlet. Sungevity is currently marketing its solar systems in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Washington DC, Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts.

My experience with Sungevity can only be described as OUTSTANDING! They handled everything. About all I did was, during the initial telephone call, provide them with a monthly summary of my electric bills for the past year. They used this information as the basis for designing the system. It took them less than 24 hours to provide me a proposal for 3 alternative/possible systems, one of which they recommended. The proposal was emailed to me including actual Google earth photos of my house with each of the 3 alternative systems super-imposed on the house. I could even see my cars in the driveway.

After that I didn’t have to do anything but sign a couple contracts sent to me on line, and in my case, get an approval permit from our Home Owners Association. Sungevity took care of all the other permits, inspections, etc.

The actual installation was completed in one day. The entire process from first contact to finished installation took about 100 days My system is 27 panels rated at 6,750 KW. Sungevity projected that my first year saving will be in the $850 to $900 range. Actual saving will vary depending on factors such as location of shade trees, the direction your home’s roof line faces (the more southern the better). These savings should progressively increase as electric rates increase, which they undoubtedly will.

I spoke with another fellow at Lowes who has a similar sized system. He said he saved closer to $1,400 last year. The way it works is Sungevity guarantees a minimum production based on your system's size. If for some reason it doesn’t meet that minimum, they reimburse you the difference. If the system produces more, it flows into the grid and you receive credits against your remaining electric bill equal to your suppliers KWH rate charge. Considering it didn’t cost me a dime, and it required minimal personal time and effort, it seems like a no-brainer to me. So far the only problem has been Delmarva Power dragging their feet in installing the two way meter.

Sungevity is a pretty laid back company. I didn’t feel pressured at any time when I spoke with their reps.

GET $500 (increased to $1000 off for the month of September) off when you use my referral code!

Request a quote today @ SUNGEVITY.COM OR CALL 866-786-4255

Thomas S. Harvey Referral Code: 986991

• Installation, maintenance and insurance are FREE.

• Your custom-designed system is based on your family's energy needs.

• A dedicated project manager takes care of everything, from permits to installation plans.

• Your system's production is guaranteed, rain or shine.

• Your discount will apply to sale price or lease payment

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More Photos from 2014 Tournament

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Sep 12, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
More from Joe
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Photos from 2014 Tournament

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Sep 12, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Thanks to Joe Rose for providing these.

B & E Tires came from behind late in the game to go ahead, but Dynamic tied the score to send the game into the 8th inning. In the top of the 8th , B & E scored a run and then stopped Dynamic in the bottom of the 8th to win the game 5 - 4.

Congratulation to B & E Tires on their unbeaten run through the tournament and their championship.

A special thanks to all the umpires during the tournament, but especially to those that volunteered to umpire the last several days - Harry Gowl, Carl Pierce, John Walker, Dave Sroka, Terry Thomas, Jesse Bare, Steve Carey and Bob Holmes.

And also a special thanks to Carl Pierce for doing the tournament bracket board.

Here's the final bracket:

