News and Announcements


January 12, 2015

Meeting was called to get the 2015 managers together to discuss the upcoming season, including the registration status as of today, identify important dates for the 2015 season, discuss and adopt any rule changes the Board feels are needed and discuss upcoming expenditures the league will incur in the coming years.

Attendees: Wood, Gowl, Purdy, Mullins, Wendorf, Pierce, Bare, Hillock, Royster, James, Calciano, Allen, Sherry, Peaper, Sica, Houlday, Bokop, Mancuso, S. Carey, P. Carey, Meredith, Fleming, McCloskey, Walker, Robinson, Luke, Bahr.

1) Team sponsors and managers - Bo Wood reviewed the 13 teams for 2015. One team is not returning (Pepper's Tavern) and two new teams are being added (LBG Homes and Diamond Blade Tileworks).

- All Out Sports: Mike Luke and Mike Bahr

- American Legion Post #24: Johnny Allen and Steve Carey (Pat Sherry will assist, not play).

- B & E Tires: Grady Meredith and Neil Fleming

- Colonial East: Jesse Bare and Wayne Peaper

- Delmarva LTCI: Dave Sroka and Terry Thomas, sponsor Joe Gahm

- Diamond Blade Tileworks: Pat Carey and Gene McCloskey, sponsor Joey Royster

- Dynamic PT: Bo Wood and John Bokop

- Edward Jones Investments: Paul Litwin and Chris Houlday

- Fox's Pizza Den: Mike Fleetwood and Frank Sica

- James Joyce Irish Pub: Carmine Calciano and Ed Sternberg, sponsor Dave Zadorozny

- LBG Homes: Don Hillock and Ron James

- Ocean View Family Restaurant: John Mancuso and Carl Pierce, sponsor John Walker

- Robinson Furniture: Harry Gowl and Buddy Robinson

2) Use of Fields - Bo reiterated that the Church of God does not want us using the fields on Sundays. Therefore, there cannot be any games, practices or tournament held on Sunday on the COG fields. Managers were asked to please pass this on to their teams.

3) Important 2015 dates - Bo discussed the important dates for 2015. They are:

- OTS General Meeting: Wednesday, April 1st, Bethany Town Hall

- Preseason practice with 2014 teams starts Thursday, April 2. New Players on Field 2

- Draft Day is Wednesday, April 22

- Season starts Tuesday May 5th

- Last Wednesday of every month reserved for makeup days

- Season ends around August 25th

- End of season tournament dates are August 27, September 1, 3 and 8

- Championship game and OTS picnic is September 10

4) Registration status - Dick Mullins reported that there are currently 120 returning players and 9 new players registered. There are approx. 37 players from 2014 who have not signed up yet. Since we only need 27 more players to reach 156, we should have no problem reaching the number to have 13 teams. Doubtful we will reach 169.

5) Draft process - Bo reviewed the draft process for the new managers, explaining how the managers’ ratings determine the order of the draft, how the leveling round works, and subsequent rounds. Sponsors must be taken before a team can pick the sponsor's number or lower. Bo also asked that managers try to keep shirts of similar color on hand for subs.

6) Rule changes for the 2015 – the following were discussed:

Substitute Runner - last year it was the last out, discussion took place on changing it to the last batter, making it easier for teams to determine who the sub runner should be. Motion Gowl, second Bare to adopt the change to go to the last batter. Motion passed.

Intentional Walks - currently, a player may intentionally walk once per game. It is the judgment of the umpire whether or not the pitcher, in subsequent at bats, is trying to pitch to the batter who has already walked once or not. This would be determined by how close to the plate the pitches are landing. For example, pitches a few inches off the plate would not be considered an intentional walk, whereas pitches landing several feet from the plate should be. Discussion took place, no changes to the current rule were proposed.

The 165' line: The short fielder may not play behind this line, the maximum number of outfielders is 4. Also, there can only be 1 short fielder, so a team cannot move an outfielder in front of the line to play with 2 short fielders. This may be adjusted when a team is short players, for example playing with 9 or 10.

Runner from home: Discussion on the rule for substitute runners from home, some felt that if there is no contact and the runner moves, should not be an out. Problem with this is runners may start running to get an advantage on every pitch, since if it's not hit it would not be an out. After discussion, there was not motion to change the existing rule.

Sliding: Restated the existing rule that it is ok to slide into 2nd or 3rd base head first and when returning to 1st base.

Team Shirts: Players are required to wear their team shirts during games. Sponsors pay for the right to have their name used, and players should wear the shirts to help promote the sponsor. Discussed the process for enforcement, one warning, then they can't play without their shirt. Exceptions will be made for players with medical conditions and during cold/rainy weather.

7) Future Capital expenses – Dick discussed the fact that we have fulfilled the goals set forth for improvements to the fields set several years ago by the Executive Committee. These included fences, water to the fields, new infield mix on both fields, and the purchase of a good tractor. Now it is time to set goals for the next few years. Some suggestions included adding more infield mix to both fields, repairing the road to the fields, running electricity to field 2, and buying/building a larger storage shed that is more secure and has the room to keep our supplies, tools, drags, rollers, etc. These will be identified in more detail by the Executive Committee, with input from the Board of Directors.


Richard B. Mullins

Secretary, OTS

Post Author Picture

Registration Deadline Looms

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jan 6, 2015 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )


January 15th is the deadline for you to register to guarantee a spot on a 2015 team. Get your registration form and money to Dick Mullins.

The form can be downloaded from the Handouts webpage or by clicking here

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Great Turnout at Fox's

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Dec 20, 2014 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

The party at Fox's Pizza Den on 12/17 was a huge success. Many boxes of toys were collected for the Toys for Tots campaign.

Thanks to Fox's for hosting this gettogether and for sponsoring one of our teams. 

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Warren Lloyd Invites All to Fundraising Event

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Dec 9, 2014 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Warren Lloyd, one of our players, is participating in a fundraiser to benefit Believe in Tomorrow Children's House by the Sea. He's inviting all OTS members and their families to check out his bartending skills on Friday, December 19th.

Here's the flier:

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Starboard Party Huge Success

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Dec 9, 2014 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

As all of you who attended the gathering last week know, it was well-attended. Good people, good food, good beverages and a good atmosphere - what more could you want?

Special thanks to the Starboard owner Monty for his sponsorship and hosting this party and to Boog Laird for setting this event up.