News and Announcements

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Mike Fleetwood Recommends Back Surgeon

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 28, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

From Mike Fleetwood:  

Yesterday, I appeared for my follow-up visitation for back surgery with Dr. Bydon. I must tell you, I have had two surgeries since August 8, 2013 with Dr. Bydon as my spine surgeon. The 1st surgery was August 8, 2013, fusing C 2,3,4 5, and 6, two titanium rods and 10 screws. The 2nd was 9/17/15, fusing L4, L5, and S1, with two titanium rods and 6 screws. Both were done perfectly with no problems.

Dr. Bydon is the Spine Surgeon Messiah in my opinion. I am nearly 68 years of age, in excellent health, and I have played World and National Senior Softball tournament play. If not for Dr. Bydon, I probably would be paralyzed now. I have recommended him to friends, family, and our league (164 players), if they or friends/family have spine issues, they need to contact him. He is without a doubt one of the best spine surgeons in the world. In addition, his bedside manner is second to nobody.

I have so much respect for him. I just wanted you to know my thoughts about Dr. Bydon. Johns Hopkins Hospital is so fortunate to have him.


 (The above testimonial in no way reflects any opinion of OTS or its officers)

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8th Annual Golf Tournament

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 23, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )



Sign up now! Registration form below. Flyer also. See Handout below.

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5-1 THRU 5-10 Revised

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 20, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
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Minutes from 6-21 Board of Directors Meeting

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 5, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


June 21, 2016

In attendance: Bo Wood (President), Keith Purdy (Treasurer), Tom Wendorf (Information Officer), Carl Pierce (Secretary), Dave Archer (RFP), Pat Carey (DBT), Steve Carey (AO), Ron James LBG), Chris Houlday (EJ) Bill Straughan (CE), Neil Fleming (B+E) and Dave Sroka (AOS). A quorum of the Board of Directors were present.

1. The Board of Directors met to discuss By-Laws changes relative to the placement of waiting list players on teams that need long-term replacements. The meeting was called to order at 11:30.

2. The BoD approved a motion to amend the By-Laws by changing section 1.8.3:

a. A plus or minus 2 player rating point variance is allowed in the replacement of a player with someone from the waiting list. Placement of a player with a minus 2-point variance must be approved by the manager of the team receiving the replacement player. Other replacements within the plus or minus 2-point variance are done by the Executive Committee without manager approval.

3. After considerable discussion, a By-Law amendment dealing with post-draft trades was approved by unanimous vote:

a. A manager or player may request a trade from one team to another. This trade can be vetoed by any of the managers or players involved in the trade. A single dissenting vote of those directly involved results in denial of the trade. If the trade is approved by the managers and players involved, it must be approved by the majority of the remaining BoD members. This vote may be conducted via a called meeting, email, phone, individual polling or other means. Until the trade is completely approved, the respective players must continue playing with their current team. Refusal to do so by a player will result in the player(s) being designated as ineligible for league play for the remainder of the season. If a player refuses subtly to play, e.g., using excuses of various sorts for absences, the decision to designate the player ineligible for the remainder of the season will be left to the discretion of the player’s manager.

4. The BoD also passed the following By-Law changes:

a. A player refusing to play for the team to which he is drafted or to where he is placed from the waiting list shall be ineligible for league play for the remainder of the season. This rule also applies to players that resign from their team.

b. Players intending to register for the league must be available to play no later than May 31. Players not available by that date will be placed on the waiting list upon their arrival and availability to play. Paperwork and fees will be handled at that time.

5. Bo reiterated that placements of players from the waiting list are temporary. Once the replaced player returns to the team, the replacement player is put back on the waiting list.

6. It was also reiterated that players on the waiting list are not eligible to be used as substitutes until they have been placed on a team.

7. Pat Carey suggested that in cases of notification of Code of Conduct violation letters, managers should be consulted as well as the recipient and that both sides of a complaint be heard before a letter is issued. The Board agreed this would be a good practice.

8. Pat Carey raised the issue of re-rating players due to health problems or injuries incurred after the post-season rating has been completed. Keith reminded the attendees that a committee has been formed to review our rating practices and policies. It was suggested that this committee address the issue of re-ratings also. The members of this committee are Steve Carey, Don Hillock, Gene McCloskey, Grady Meredith and Dave Sroka. Tom Wendorf and Carl Pierce will provide assistance with data and number crunching.

NOTE: All of the above By-Law changes are effective immediately. The exact wording and placement of these changes have not been determined yet and will be developed shortly so they may be incorporated into the By-Laws.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Carl J. Pierce, Secretary

The Summer Season is right around the corner. The first games are on May 3.

Team rosters and the schedule can be downloaded below.

There will be 13 teams this year. OTS extends a special thanks to our 2016 sponsors and team managers:

All Out Sports - Dave Sroka

Atlantic Orthopaedics - Steve Carey

American Legion Post #24- Johnny Allen

B & E Tire and Alignment - Grady Meredith 

Colonial East - Dave Lovelace

Diamond Blade Tileworks - Pat Carey 

Dynamic Physical Therapy - Bo Wood

Edward Jones Investments - Paul Litwin

Fox's Pizza Den - Harry Gowl

LBG Homes - Don Hillock 

Ocean View Family Restaurant - John Mancuso

Robinson's Phillies - Dave Archer 

The Starboard - Eddie Sternberg 

More info on the sponsors can be found on the Sponsors webpage.

Here are the rosters for 2016: 

