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March 20, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Mar 28, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Minutes: OTS Board Meeting Dagsboro Church of God Activity Room Monday March 20, 2006 12:00 NOON Attendees: , Bill Neyen, Archie Alexander, Bo Wood, John Bokop, Tom Copp, Mike Carta, Gary Meredith, Neil Fleming, Ed Sternberg, Tom Harvey MEETING AGENDA • Treasurers Report $7,640.20 Major upcoming expenditures include uniforms, maintenance supplies and equipment rental for ball field upkeep and improvements, possible additional fill for infields, and if reserves are adequate, materials for the construction of bleachers and dugout covers. • Ball Field Update The home plate, pitchers rubber, bases and batting mats are installed. The fields are being practiced on by a couple little league church teams. As would expected, from the play and Buck’s frequent dragging of the infields, some small stones are working their way to the surface through the infield mix. Continued play, more dragging and a little hand raking will take care of this matter before the season starts. The fields will be rolled as soon as we have a good soaking rain. The fences and benches also will be treated with wood preservative in the next few weeks. • Status Report: 2006 Registrations - Bill Neyen reported that 87 registrations had been received • Sponsorships and Publicity – Archie Alexander Seven team sponsors have been secured through the efforts of Archie Alexander. He also has two additional sponsors are on standby, should we field more than 7 teams in 2006. It should be noted that Gary Meredith and Ed Sternberg also helped in the sponsor search, bringing in Vickie York and Millsboro Lanes. Archie also developed a new poster aimed at attracting new players to the league. Board members were given copies and encouraged to place these in high traffic locations [grocery stores, convenience stores, YMCA’s, gyms] in their areas. • Tournament Participation 2006 It was agreed that we will form our OTS tournament teams in May this year and set up a schedule of practices and practice games earlier in the season. The goal is to improve our league’s performance at tournaments. • Shirts and Hats A committee of four was formed [Archie Alexander, Bo Wood, Bill Neyen and Tom Harvey] to select the hats and shirts to be worn in the league in 2006 and solicit bids. The objective is to improve the overall quality of the apparel in 2006. An inventory of the tournament team hats and shirts will be taken as well. Fill in sizes will be ordered as needed. • Rules & By-laws Modifications It was agreed that the revised by-laws and rules will be circulated to the board members for their final review and input prior to the Annual Meeting. Tom Harvey will facilitate Other Business • It was agreed that, if at all possible, the team draft will be conducted by Monday, April 17th, two weeks after the Annual Meeting. Several managers indicated that last year’s late draft hindered them in getting their teams ready for the regular season opener. • Bill Neyen will order 10 copies of the ASA Rule Books for use by umpires and managers • Roger Howard asked the league to consider forming a 70+ Division that would play on Wednesday mornings. The suggestion was tabled for discussion at a future board meeting. After we have a better idea concerning the number and ages of players registering to play in 2006. • Bo Wood suggested the league look into purchasing a batting machine and cage. The suggestion was tabled until the May meeting. This may be a possible use for the “county money” that Archie is pursuing on the leagues behalf. • Bo Wood suggested that we investigate the pros and cons [and cost] of installing Astroturf batters boxes. He had seen one in use in Florida and noted that it eliminated the rut problem in the batters box. Bill Neyen agreed check out the availability and cost of the apparatus. The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 PM. Prepared by: Tom Harvey
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January 25, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Feb 14, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Minutes: OTS Board/Manager Meeting Dagsboro Church of God Activity Room Wednesday January 25, 2006 Attendees: Tom Harvey (President),Sal Corrallo (VP), Bill Neyen (Treas.), Archie Alexander, Bo Wood, John Bokop, John Walker, Don Clements, Mike Carta, Gary Meredith, Neil Fleming, and Ed Sternberg. Treasurers Report Current Balance $4,741.56 [Includes 39 registrations for 2006] Comments: Buck Starkey, the groundskeeper at the COG fields declined our $300 gift. The money was given to him in appreciation for time and work he put into the OTS infield resurfacing project. As an alternative, it was suggested that he may appreciate the league donating the $300, in his [Buck’s] name, to a youth organization. John Walker will discuss the suggestion with Buck and report his response at the next board meeting. Old Business Church of God Contract & Ball Field Improvements · The league will have exclusive use of the ball fields, for league play, Tuesday and Friday mornings from April through October. · The league will have access to the ball fields on Wednesday mornings for practices. · Funds permitting, the league will construct a bleacher at the West Field. · Funds permitting, the league will consider erecting shade covers over the player benches. 2006 Registration · 2006 registration forms have been mailed to all players on the 2005 rooster, and other interested players · 2006 registration forms also are available for download at http// Annual Meeting Date: April 3, 2006 Time: 7:00 PM Location : Bethany Beach Town Hall 2006 By Laws & Rules Revisions The 2006 [revised] By Laws and Rules will be available in March at http// Highlights of a few of the new By Laws and Rules include: · Expanded training and authority for league umpires · Tough new penalties for player misconduct · Creation of a Rules Committee responsible for: ü Resolving player and manager protests ü Rules interpretations ü Implementing disciplinary action · New base running rules ü Elimination of the run-by rule at 2nd and 3rd. · New Courtesy runner rules New Business Sponsorship and Publicity Plans for 2006 – Archie Alexander Archie outlined publicity plans for promoting player recruiting and the acquisition of additional team sponsors. They are as follows: · A new [8”x11”] player recruiting poster has been designed and is being placed at locations throughout our area. · A new sponsor solicitation letter has been developed and is being mailed to potential sponsors throughout our area. At this time it is expected that four of the 2005 sponsors will renew. 2006 Sponsor fees will remain at $350.00, Patron Fees at $100.00 League members are urged to contact Archie [302] 226-8381, or a League Officer if they are aware of any: · Potential new team sponsors or players · Locations where a Player Recruiting Poster could be placed, but isn’t Archie also has made some in-roads with politicians who are responsible for “State of Delaware, walking around money" grants. These financial grants are potentially available to needy individuals, or public service organizations such as OTS. Ideas suggested at the meeting included: [1] construction of bleachers; and, [2] construction of roofs over the player benches. The board was encouraged to identify additional project ideas for discussion at the March meeting. Once a suitable project, or projects, are identified and agreed to, Archie and Tom Harvey will prepare and submit a detailed proposal, to those in a position to authorize a grant. The competition for these grants is intense. Managers and Assistants - 2006 Managers and [Assistant Managers] committed or [pending] for 2006 Tom Farrah [Tom Copp} Bo Wood [John Bokup] Neil Fleming [Ed Sternberg] John Walker [Don Clements] Gary Meredith [Bill Neyen] Mike Carta Roger Howard [John Mancuso] Tournament Participation 2006 Discussion centered on how OTS might improve our leagues performance in tournament competition and whether we should consider participating in additional tournaments. Currently we regularly participate in two tournaments, the Senior Olympics, September – [Mike Carta Coordinates] and the Olney, Maryland Tournament, July – [Gary Meredith Coordinates]. It was agreed to revisit this topic and develop a specific plan of action at the March meeting. Below are highlights of some of the discussion at today’s meeting. Suggestions for improving performance included: ü Forming teams earlier and regularly playing exhibition/practice games throughout the season. The games might be played against our other tournament teams, OTS league teams, or perhaps teams in other area leagues. ü Several tournament team managers and [assistants] were tentatively recommended as well. They include; 60+ Bo Wood [Ed Sternberg] 65+ Gary Meredith 70+ Mike Carta 75+ Jim Stradley ü Player selection practices were also discussed including how to handle the occasional need to recruit players from outside our league Suggestions for other tournaments included one in suburban Washington DC [Virginia]. Consideration also will be given to other tournaments for the younger teams 55+ and 60+. Shirts and Hats for 2006 The league is exploring options for 2006. Uniforms used by the night league are popular, but are much higher priced than those currently in use by most OTS teams. Bill Neyen priced the shirts locally @ $13.25 and the hats @6.65 including the silk screening. John Walker will price out alternatives. Sal Corrallo will consult with the night league regarding their supplier. It was suggested and agreed that in 2006 the name of the sponsor will be on the front of the shirt, the number on the back, and OTS in small script on the sleeve. It also was suggested that the league inventory its tournament uniforms and hats and reorder as necessary. (Note: Once player has been given a tournament hat and they are expected to have it available if selected for future teams. If provided a second hat, the players will be expected to pay for it. It was noted that if the OTS does not have a sufficient number of sponsors, it would consider using excess, “sponsor uniforms” from the night league. Insurance 2006 The insurance is paid for, but the local Delaware ASA representative has failed to return numerous telephone calls concerning the ASA fee. The insurance carrier has assured Tom Harvey that they will contact, and nudge him into action. Other Business It was also voted to give John Walker [Ocean View Family Restaurant] a 2006 membership voucher for one player. This action was initiated in recognition of John’s outstanding contribution [work, time and equipment] in the construction of the OTS ball fields and the infield resurfacing. Tom Harvey urged that we continually remind players to patronize our sponsors. Sponsors are a significant source of income to the league and deserve our support. Without these revenues league fees would be much higher. Among other ideas, it was suggested that the league create a sponsor’s board to be displayed on each field on game days. Bo Wood also suggested that we look into purchasing a batting machine. No action was taken, but comments are welcomed Adjournment Minutes compiled by Sal Corrallo Corrections 302 945 2457 Post Meeting Announcement. OTS will open a silent auction at the annual players meeting. Ed Sternberg donated several items. Other donations will be accepted. Notify Sal or Tom if you have an item to be donated for the auction. A listing of items will be posted before the meeting begins.
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December 7, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Dec 15, 2005 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
OTS Board of Directors Meeting Dagsboro Church of God Activity Room Wednesday December 7, 2005 – 10:00 a.m. In Attendance: Tom Harvey (Pres.), Sal Corrallo (VP), Bill Neyen (Treas.), Ron Weber (Sec.), Bo Wood, John Bokop, John Walker, Don Clements, Tom Farrah, Tom Copp, Gary Meredith, Ed Sternberg MEETING MINUTES 1. Treasurers Report – Bill Neyen • $6,004 - Previous Balance • $2,264 – Expenses (Infield project: cost to strip & remove sod, fill and level, both infields) • $3,740 - Current Balance Bill noted that the league can expect to spend an estimated $2,200 per year for reoccurring expenses (i.e. Insurance, equipment, shirts, hats, field maintenance, etc.) 2. 2006 Registration & Spaghetti Dinner – Ron Weber • Changes to the Registration letter and form were finalized and approved. The forms will be sent by mail in early January. • Following a review of the 2006 budget, the Board of Directors decided that: a) Registration fees for 2006 will be reduced 20%, from $50 to $40 if paid by March 15th. b) Registrations paid after March 15th will incur an additional late fee of $10, for a total registration fee of $50. The Board of Directors agreed that the late fee would be fully enforced in 2006. c) The Board of Directors voted to suspend the spaghetti dinner fund raiser usually held in the spring. The Spaghetti dinner or some other form of fund raiser will be scheduled later in the year, if necessary to offset significant unbudgeted league expenses. 3. 2005 Player Ratings – Ron Weber • A second review of individual player ratings was conducted with a few changes recommended and approved. The ratings are now finalized for use in the 2006 draft. • New players will be evaluated and rated by league officers during practice sessions held in April, prior to the draft. 4. Update on Ball Diamonds – John Walker • John, his son-in-law Kurt Czapp, and Buck completed the skinning and removal of the sod, and the placement and leveling of a clay and sand mixture on both infields. 16 tri-axle loads of mix were delivered and spread in early November. Cost of the fill was $1,664. The complete resurfacing job cost approximately $16,500.00 less than the estimates the league received from area contractors last summer. • It’s important to note that the equipment used on the project (Bobcat, Kubota and dump truck), was offered at no charge by Kurt and the Church of God ....this saved the league hundreds of dollars in equipment rental costs. It was agreed to give Curt and Buck $300 each as a token of our gratitude. • The fields will be left to settle during the winter months and will not be available for practice or Winter-ball. Early next spring the fields will be re-leveled and rolled in preparation for play. A few hundred dollars is expected to be spent for the additional fill and rental of a roller. • The COG plans to hire a surveyor to lay-out the ball fields. 5. Results of Player Survey – Ron Weber • Final results of the Player Survey were reviewed. A total of 58 responses were included in the final results. The results are posted in the handouts section of the league’s website. • During the meeting, particular attention was paid to player recommendations with the most votes. Each of these high interest recommendations was used to influence changes to the league’s By-Laws. • The survey will also be referenced to influence upcoming league decisions i.e. selection of the 2006 draft method, playoff format. 6. Revisions/Changes to By-Laws & Playing Rules – Tom Harvey • To address the numerous incidents which occurred during the 2005 season, Tom presented a draft of suggested new and revised league by-laws and playing rules. • Following a thorough review and discussion, the Board voted to modify a number of the by-laws to address the leagues concerns. Due to time constraints, the remaining by-laws will be reviewed and considered for change during the next OTS Board meeting to be held in January. • Following the completion of the review and update in January, a revised version of the by-laws will be available on the OTS website and will be presented during the General Player Meeting to be held in April. 7. Gene Mion, assistant Pastor of the Dagsboro Church of God joined the meeting to announce that he would be leaving the COG in the spring of 2006. He wanted to reassure the OTS Board that the commitments made to OTS by him as a senior representative of the COG would remain unchanged following his departure. He emphasized that the relationship between the COG and OTS has been a very good one and praised the league for being good stewards of the church grounds. The league will certainly miss Pastor Gene. 8. Meeting adjourned at 1:00p.m.
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October 7, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Oct 8, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
OTS Board/Manager Meeting Dagsboro Church of God Activity Room Friday October 7, 2005 – 11:30 a.m. Attending: Tom Harvey (Pres.), Sal Corrallo (VP), Bill Neyen (Treas.), Ron Weber (Sec.) Bo Wood, John Bokop, John Walker, Pete Rendina, Tom Farrah, Mike Carta, Gary Meredith, Neil Fleming, Ed Sternberg MEETING MINUTES 1. Treasurers Report • Current Balance - $6,280.55 2. Picnic • Overall feedback from the many OTS’ers attending this year’s picnic indicates that it was a success • Everyone enjoyed the food, drinks, games and overall camaraderie. • Only serious complaint had to do with the horde of flies that invaded the food – the league will look into a way to prevent this from happening at next year’s picnic. • Many folks also indicated that they would like to see the picnic start a little later in the day. So, we are considering starting next year’s picnic at 2:00, with the food being served around 3:00. • The league will also look into getting some live entertainment for next year. 3. Player Survey • Responses received from the player survey were briefly reviewed by the managers and league officials. • It was decided that the next step would be to share the survey responses with all players. This will allow each player to know what others have suggested. • Players can then indicate (vote) on the response form, the items they support. All player votes will then be tallied. This will provide league officials with a good idea of what issues need to be addressed prior to the 2006 season. • Final results of this process will be documented in the minutes of an upcoming meeting. 4. Player Ratings • Ratings were reviewed and discussed at length. • If the group felt that a player’s overall rating was too high or too low, then the group discussed the level of each of that player’s 4 major softball skills (hitting, fielding, throwing, running). • Ratings were adjusted based on overall consensus of the group. 5. Ball Diamonds • A plan to improve the infields of both the East and West fields was presented by John Walker • Board agreed that the plan was complete enough to present to the Church of God for their approval • Three approaches on how to complete the infield improvement were discussed. The approaches vary mainly in the amount of soil to remove and replace. A decision on which approach is best for the league will be made the week of October 10. • Work on the fields is expected to start within the next 2 weeks 6. Adjournment • Meeting was adjourned at 2:30
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August 23, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Aug 23, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
OTS Board/Manager Meeting Dagsboro Church of God West Field, Dagsboro DE Tuesday August 23, 2005 – 12:00 In Attendance: Sal Corrallo (VP), Bill Neyen (Treas.), Ron Weber (Sec.) Managers: Bo Wood, John Walker, Don Clements, Pete Rendina, Mike Carta, Gary Meredith, Neil Fleming, Ed Sternberg, Mike Hopkins, Tom Farrah, Archie Alexander Meeting Minutes 1. Request for Player Input • A survey form requesting player input concerning the OTS League was reviewed with minor changes to be made. • The form will be distributed to all players attending the games on Friday August 26. • Completed forms are to be returned to the managers by Friday September 2nd. • Anyone who has already provided written suggestions on league improvements, do not have to fill out the form. 2. Managers list of players for fall ball • Managers submitted names of players who have committed to play fall ball. • The list will be used to form complete teams for the fall season =. • Players will be notified as to what team they’ll be playing for, well in advance of the fall season start date. • Archie Alexander, publicity chairperson, will have the local area newspapers include a write-up on our fall season, encouraging new players to come out and participate. • Note to players: there is still time to get on a team for fall ball….contact your manager. 3. Format for fall ball • The fall season begins on Tuesday September 13th. • Fall games will be played at the Dagsboro Church of God following the same schedule as the summer games….Tuesday and Friday at 9:00 and 10:30. • A schedule will be built and given to all players prior to the start of the fall season. 4. Plans for electing interim president • This item was put on hold till the week of August 29th. 5. Plans for fall picnic • OTS Picnic is Tuesday September 20th at West Park in Ocean View starting at 11:00 – fall softball games are cancelled for that morning. • Directions to the park and additional picnic details have been posted on the OTS website. • Picnic team: Gary Meredith-Food Procurement, Ron Weber-Drinks, Bo Wood-Setup/Tear down, Pete Rendina & Mike Hopkins-Chefs, Bill Neyen-Activities, Sal Corrallo-Music, Mike Carta-50/50 drawing • Players are encouraged to contact any of the volunteers to offer help. 6. Update on field improvement • We plan to improve both infields during the off season and have them ready for next spring. • John Walker will contact Pat Sherry’s daughter, head grounds keeper for a NJ Semi-pro team, to find out her availability to meet with us to begin preliminary planning of the work and cost to complete the project. • John will also contact Del Tech to see if they would have an interest in helping with the improvements. • If possible we plan to meet with Pat’s daughter and the Del Tech rep. at the same time. 7. Appreciation for Buck’s maintaining the fields. • Everyone agreed that Buck has done a great job taking care of the fields. As a token of our appreciation, we will give him a Thanks You card with $100 bill. 8. Player Ratings • Player rating forms and guidelines were handed out and discussed. Everyone was in agreement top use the forms with no changes. • Managers were asked to complete their player ratings by September 2nd. • Ratings will be compiled for the entire league and reviewed by the managers and board for possible discrepancies. • These ratings will then be used as part of the 2006 drafting process.