News and Announcements


March 22, 2016

In attendance: Bo Wood, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce, Dave Sroka, John Allen, Bucky Wicklein, Steve Carey, Grady Meredith, Neil Fleming, Dave Lovelace, Bill Straughan, Pat Carey, Gene McCloskey, John Bokop, Chris Houlday, Jeff Martins, Don Hillock, Dave Archer and Ed Sternberg


  • Bo announced the three new managers for the season, Dave Sroka (All Out Sports), Dave Lovelace (Colonial East) and Dave Archer (Robinson Phillies), which will complete the roster for managers. Dave Lovelace and Dave Archer are first-time managers. Dave Sroka managed a championship team in 2014. There will be 13 teams this year for a total of 156 players. It is anticipated that there will be a waiting list. Players on the waiting list will participate in the spring practices and will be assigned to teams who lose players during the year.
  • The board was reminded that an Umpiring Group run by VP Dick Mullins will replace the former requirement that each team supply two umpires. Bo also requested a few more volunteers for the grounds crew. Those men will have no player fees for the 2017 season if they continue to be part of the grounds crew.
  • Shirts, hats and a dozen softballs were distributed to the respective teams along with other information regarding those items. Home teams will supply both softballs for games, one new and one of playable quality.
  • Bo then reviewed “new old rules” as reminders for the season:
    • NO SUNDAY PLAY WHATSOEVER. Saturdays are acceptable AFTER the Church of God baseball season ends in mid-May. Weekday afternoons and evenings are also allowed after the COG season ends in mid-May.
    • Waiver sheets are required for all players on the field who are not members of the league. These will have to be signed for liability purposes. New forms will be available in the sheds at both fields.
    • All batters must run to first base for themselves.
    • Because of the agreement with the Church of God, it is essential to curtail the use of foul language, to avoid smoking on the premises and avoid the use of alcoholic beverages. Bo reminded the board that we have become somewhat careless in some of these areas.
  • The portable toilet at Field 2 will be relocated nearer the backstop in order to avoid it being so near the food pavilion.
  • New bases will be installed after the COG baseball season ends.
  • A reminder of important dates:
    • APRIL 4 – General Meeting at Bethany Beach Town Hall, 6:00 p.m.
    • APRIL 5 – Old team practices begin
    • APRIL 19 – New Player Evaluation Day
    • APRIL 20 – Draft Day, time and place TBD
    • APRIL 21 – New team practices begin
    • MAY 3 – Season opens
  • New business began with a brief discussion about by-law changes (largely rewording and compaction). There was a discussion on the new scoring line versus the second home plate, but the proposed rule was not changed. The motion to approve all By-Law changes was made by Dave Sroka and seconded by Dave Archer. The motion was approved.
  • Ed Sternberg presented a motion to limit players to two games on any given play date (their own and one as substitute, or on days the player had a bye, two games as a substitute). The proposal was seconded by Keith Purdy and the issue was discussed at length. The motion was put to a vote and defeated.
  • A plan to improve the rating system was presented by Keith Purdy and Tom Wendorf. After much discussion the motion was made to have a committee handle the matter. Motion made by Don Hillock, second by Grady Meredith. Approval was given. The members of that committee are: Steve Carey, Don Hillock, Gene McCloskey, Grady Meredith and Dave Sroka. Tom Wendorf will assist with numbers information. The committee will select its chairman.
  • Grady Meredith proposed the use of senior bats for players 70 and over. A discussion about the various impacts of that proposal was lengthy. Tom Wendorf motioned to draft rules governing the use of senior bats by players 75 and over. Dave Archer seconded. The motion was defeated.
  • A discussion was held on a proposal to put sponsors into the general draft. The manager/assistant manager that drafted a sponsor would then manage that sponsor’s team. This arrangement would eliminate the “reservation” of 3 players (manager, assistant manager, sponsor) for a team. Don Hillock moved to table this proposal until sometime later in the season. The motion was seconded and approved.
  • The last item was a request for volunteers to re-evaluate players from 2015 whose ratings may need to be changed due to off-season events. The committee consists of: Dick Mullins, Neil Fleming, Don Hillock, Terry Thomas, and Dave Sroka. These ratings will be discussed and approved on New Player Evaluation day.


The meeting adjourned at 3:00PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Carl J. Pierce, Secretary

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More News from Hal

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Mar 25, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Dear Friends, Families, Supporters and Sponsors —

Thanks to so many of you, first of all, for the endless flow of encouragement for launching FEARLESS! The Golden Love Musical. As we approach the final 100 days before World Première curtains open, I thought you’d be interested in the attached news items . . .The release is going out Monday. It outlines samples of committed business/ organization/ individual sponsorships and show-supporting events. Also attached is a news photo-article illuminating the participating charities.

With great hopes of seeing you at one of what’s expected to be eight sellout performances, I urge you to order your tickets soon so you don’t miss out. Many businesses and organizations have said they are or will shortly be purchasing blocks of tickets as perks for employees, and courtesy items for special customers/suppliers, and for group members.

If you haven’t yet had chance to enjoy the original music (solo versions) or the docu-video, “The Making of FEARLESS!”: Be sure to visit

Please note the 5 UPDATE bullet-points below, and THANK YOU once again . . .

ACTORS, ACTRESSES, SINGERS AND DANCERS are getting ready for May 2, 3, 4 auditions at Tennessee Tech University with FEARLESS! Creator Valerie Connelly, Stage and Artistic Director Mark Creter, Music Director Mendy Richards, and Choreographer Jennifer Dotson-Creter. (Got talent? Book your tryout time slot now online HERE .)

MUSIC SCORING is being completed for 24 songs and the overture — 840 pages for the Conductor’s Score alone(!)

TICKETS are being sold HERE as you read this. Pre-order ticket-holders will receive special drawing coupons for the “Big Bundle Give-Away” of show and donor merchandise. (And if that’s not enough incentive, tickets are only $10 each for 5 or more!)

SPONSORSHIPS ARE BOOMING! (Yes, there’s still room to join in.) — Community solidarity and support for the performing arts (and, of course, the charities). Even competitive businesses are collaborating. (See attached news release.) Note the terrific FEARLESS! Creations ART SHOW & LIVE ART AUCTION at Magical Muse Gallery on April 15 and FEARLESS! POPCORN FASHION SHOW at Country Inn & Suites on May 15. These fun and unique fundraising events help cover production costs and allow all ticket sale proceeds to go to charity.

THE CHARITIES. With ticket sale proceeds being donated to three great nonprofit organizations, many needy families, struggling talented musicians, and endangered/at-risk children will benefit. (See attached photo news story.)

Best personal regards – Hal


March 16, 2016

In attendance: Bo Wood, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce

  • Bo reported that managers have been assigned to all team with just a couple assistant manager positions yet to be finalized.
  • The discussion then proceeded to the use of senior bats for players 70+, a request made by some league members. After a lengthy discussion the committee recommends that NO SENIOR BATS BE ALLOWED. That was driven by the difficulty in policing their use, safety concerns, alterations to batting ratings, and the general confusion and work added to the duties of managers and umpires. The committee’s recommendation will be presented to the full board with the corollary that, IF IT IS APPROVED, it should begin at age 75. TO REPEAT the committee’s recommendation: NO USE OF SENIOR BATS.
  • Bo also reviewed the preparation expenses for the new season which includes new bases, new umpire shirts and more ball field clay for infield repairs. At the same time he reminded us that we have lost two major funding sources: wine-tasting event and the bowling tournament. We can use some ideas, so if you have one…pass it on to the committee.
  • There was a brief discussion on whether to renew the Weather Line for 2016. It was decided that it is the most reliable way to announce weather cancelations during the season. It will be activated shortly.
  • We will have permission forms for non-registered players who are participating at any time. The distinct purpose is to protect us and the Church of God from any liability that might arise from an injury.
  • The last item involved a review and alteration of the player rating system. It is an obvious “hot potato”, but a few suggestions were made that will be brought to the attention of the full board for a final decision. With any luck, it will take effect this season.

Respectfully submitted, 

Carl J. Pierce, Secretary

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Registration Finished

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Mar 20, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Registration for the 2016 has finished. There will be 13 teams for the 2016 season.

There is currently a waiting list of players that will be placed on teams as openings occur. If you aren't currently registered and wish to be placed on the waiting list, fill out the registration form and mail it to the address on the form. It is not necessary to include the registration fee at this time.

Once you're on the waiting list, you'll be eligible to participate in Monday morning practices which will be starting soon.

The registration form can be downloaded below. 

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Women's Group Fundraiser

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Mar 1, 2016 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Don Hillock passed along info about this fundraiser by P.E.O.:

This is an event sponsored by the women's group, P.E.O. They fund scholarships for women. For guys looking to score points for future use or get out of the doghouse they are currently in with their better half, this would be just the thing.

And it might just be fun too. May 4, 2016 - 7:30 p.m. at the Ocean City Performing Arts Center. 
