News and Announcements

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March 13, 2018

In attendance: Bo Wood, Steve Carey, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce.


  • The meeting was called to order at 11:30 by Bo.

  • Keith presented the Treasurer’s Report. He noted that funds are adequate for the time being and that most bills are paid for our current needs. He added we need to be aware of continuing maintenance costs and projects that draw on our budget and we should be remain active with our fund-raising events.

  • Carl gave an update on the registration status. As of 3/13, 171 players had registered. (Post-meeting update: As of 3/26, 173 players are currently registered.)

  • Carl gave an update of the receipt of 2018 fees from team sponsors. Teams that still owe the sponsorship fee for 2018:

    • American Legion Post #24
    • B & E Tire and Alignment
    • Fox’s Pizza Den
    • Pivot Physical Therapy (post-meeting update: check has been received)

  • American Legion Post #28 in Long View, DE was announced as a new sponsor. Managers and assistant managers are being finalized. (Post-meeting update: Keith Purdy and Buddy Griffith will manage this team. Pat Carey and Gene McCloskey will manage the All Out Sports team.)

  • Bo provided a status on several items:

    • The new irrigation system is being installed.
    • A wooden roof will be put over the bleachers on the 1st base side of Field #1 to provide shade. Plans are to have OTS players do the work. A work day will be announced.
    • Sequoia, the company that was used last year to cut our grass on several occasions, has indicated that they cannot to continue to cut our grass at the 2017 price. A substantial increase is expected. Bo will request an estimate from Sequoia and other options will be explored.
    • The first fence ad sign, sponsored by B&E, is in the making and will be displayed as soon as it’s available.

  • Keith announced that we will be using .44/375 Tatoo softballs. There are still some Trump Stote .44/375 balls left over from last season that will be used in 2018 games. Thanks to Pat Carey for arranging a substantial discount on the purchase of the Tattoo softballs.

  • Several By-Laws amendments were presented for review. These will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval.

  • The availability of numbered shirts for new players to wear during the April practices was discussed.

  • Keith announced that the Weather Line and Port-A-Johns will be available
    starting April 1st.

  • Tom announced that Dave Lovelace and Bill Straughan will run the Monday Open Practices again this year.

  • Steve reported that the March 23rd Bowling Tournament is ready to go. All 24 lanes at the bowling alley have been filled. In addition to bowling, there will be a 50/50 raffle and a Chinese auction.

  • Important upcoming dates were reviewed. The date for the new player evaluation was changed to April 17.

    Important Dates:
    OTS General Meeting - Monday, April 2 at 6:00 p.m., Bethany Beach Town Hall
    Pre-season practices start Tuesday, April 3 with 2017 teams
    New Player Evaluation Day – Tuesday, April 17
    Player draft – Monday, April 23, time and location TBA
    Practice with new teams starts – Tuesday, April 24
    Season starts – Tuesday, May 1 and runs through August
  • The meeting was adjourned at 1:40.


Respectfully submitted,


C. Pierce, Secretary

Post Author Picture


Posted by Tom Wendorf at Mar 26, 2018 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

This year’s Bowling Tournament was the best ever and was a huge success. Special thanks to the Tournament Committee led by Mary Lou Straughan, including Steve Carey and Bill Straughan.

Congratulations to the winners of the bowling prizes:

High Scratch Female: Mickey Ponton

High Scratch Male: Wayne Saia

High Handicap Female: Caryn Luckett

High Handicap Male: Rodney Southerland

First Place Team Handicap Series: Lane 5 (Mulwhinney, Braver, Snead, Sudina)

Second Place Team Handicap Series: Lane 6 (Burd, Hook, Burd, Unger)

Third Place Team Handicap Series : Lane 7 (Marino, Lovelace, Givens, Mary Lou Straughan)


And thanks to the restaurants and other businesses who donated prizes:

Bin 66

Captain’s Pizza & Grill

Coastal Chiropractic

Doyle’s Restaurant

Fenwick Surf Shop

Fisher’s Popcorn

Fox’s Pizza Den - Bayside

Frankford Diner

Georgia House of Millsboro

Lighthouse Liquors

Long Neck Diner


Millsboro Bowling Lanes

Millsboro Pizza Palace

Millville/Fenwick Island Pet Stop

Ocean View Family Restaurant

Selbyville Holly Kia

Stargate Diner

Texas Roadhouse

The Starboard


Thanks to those who helped get donations and/or made personal donations: 

Guy Burd

Steve Carey

Phil Martin

Keith Purdy

Dave Sroka

Eddie Sternberg

Mary Lou Straughan

Dawn Bunting

Rick Duncan

Mike Fleetwood

Harry Gowl

Don Hillock

Grady Meredith

Bill Straughan

Mary Lou Straughan

Bo Wood

Leslie Wendorf


And last, but certainly not least, thanks to those who worked the tournament:

Pat Carey

Harry Gowl

Bob Miller

Carl Pierce

Leslie Wendorf

Tom Wendorf

Post Author Picture


Posted by Tom Wendorf at Feb 18, 2018 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Only a month to go before the 5th Annual Bowling Tournament.

There are only a few spots left - register now. Get the registration form below.




January 16, 2018

In attendance: Bo Wood, Steve Carey, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce.

  • The meeting was called to order at 11:30 by Bo.
  • Bo presented a report on the first fence sign. Bo has received a check from B&E along with the design requested by that sponsor. He will make arrangements with Mike Fleetwood to get the sign made.
  • Carl gave an update on the registration status. As of 1/15, 155 players had registered. (Post-meeting update: As of 1/22, 166 players had registered.)
  • Carl gave an update of the receipt of 2018 fees from team sponsors. Teams that still owe the sponsorship fee for 2018:
    • American Legion
    • Atlantic Physical Therapy (Post-meeting update – sponsor is processing check request)
    • B & E
    • Diamondblade Tileworks (in process)
    • Fox’s Pizza
    • Pivot Physical Therapy

  • Keith requested a third step in monitoring OTS funds. Hard copies of the monthly bank statements will be given to the secretary for review and filing. The purpose is to add another level of security to money-handling. An amendment to the By-Laws will be created to reflect this requirement.

  • Steve gave an update on the progress of the bowling tournament. Lanes are filling up fast – 15 teams had registered. (Post-meeting update – 22 of the 24 lanes are filled.)

  • Dates were established for meetings in March:
    • Executive Committee – Tuesday, March 13, 11:30 a.m.
    • Board of Directors – Tuesday, March 20, 1:00 pm at the Dagsboro Fire Department


The meeting was adjourned at 12:45.

Respectfully submitted,


C. Pierce, Secretary


November 28, 2017

In attendance: Executive Officers - Bo Wood, Steve Carey, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce.

Team Managers - Johnny Allen, Russ Bowen, Pat Carey, Harry Gowl, Dave Lovelace, Grady Meredith, Dave Sroka and Steve Unger.

• The meeting was called to order at 11:00 by Bo.

• Keith reported the treasury is in good shape with a carryover of approximately $6000 to begin the new season. He noted that income from the Golf Tournament, our major fundraiser, has decreased in each of the last two years. While there is no immediate crisis, ways to increase revenue from the Golf Tournament and the other fundraisers need to be explored, as well as opportunities for new fundraisers.

• Keith enumerated some of the new or increased operating costs related to improving field conditions such as seeding, fertilizing, mowing, infield work and other items.

• Carl reported there were 63 players registered, five new ones being among them. Three sponsors have already paid their fees. (Post-meeting Update – there are now 100 players registered for the 2018 season.)

• Bo gave a status of several items:

o Bags of drying mix have been put in both sheds and are to be used sparingly because of their price.

o It has been decided that the fields will need another delivery of infield dirt in the spring. More later on this.

o Two pitcher protection screens have disappeared over the past year with no clue as to the perpetrators. A new collapsible model will be purchased for spring and placed in the care of Dave Lovelace.

o New home plates will be placed on both fields.

o It was noted that the pitcher rubber on Field #2 is not lined up correctly. Plans are to correct the alignments on both fields in the spring. The Board is seeking among our players someone with surveying skills and/or equipment to help with the field layout. If you are willing to provide this expertise, please let a member of the Executive Committee know.

o A member of the Church of God (COG) who specializes in irrigation systems will relocate our irrigation system and install new sprinkler heads. This will require electricity at Field #2. The cost of extending power from Field #1 is exorbitant ($8000 to $10000), so investigation is being done into the use of solar panels.

o Since there were some glitches in grass mowing communications this past season, Bo is negotiating with Sequoia to assure cutting on a regular basis with an option for us to request special as-needed cutting. We will spend about $1000 on this in 2018 and will attempt to have summer cutting done in the afternoons.

o A joint venture between OTS and COG to build a pole barn had been discussed last year. Estimated costs appear to be escalating to a prohibitive level, so the project has been put on hold indefinitely.

o Advertising signs to be displayed on the homerun fences of both fields have been discussed. This new fundraiser has the potential to earn OTS significant dollars. The projected cost of the sign for the first year is $125 for the advertiser and $100 dollars every year thereafter. B&E will be asked to buy the first sign so that the Board can get an idea of the appearance of the sign itself as well as its presentation on the fence. It can then be used as a sample to present to other potential advertisers.

o The purchase of 2-button team shirts will be explored. (Post-meeting Update – because of the limited number of colors available in this style we needed to procure shirts without buttons.)

o A request has been received to put covers over the two sets of bleachers that are currently uncovered. Plans are to do this in the spring. Anyone with carpentry skills that is willing to help out with this project is asked to notify a member of the Executive Committee.

o It was also noted that some of the seats in the bleachers are worn out and need to be replaced. This will also be done in the spring.

• Steve will be managing the umpire crews and will run the program with few changes from last year. He announced that he will attempt to schedule the umpires 3 to 4 weeks in advance. He also suggested another umpire training session either with Tim McElroy, the SSUSA umpire who did the training last year, or an experienced member of OTS.

• A motion was made by Russ Bowen and seconded by Pat Carey to allow “impact” players to be substituted for when that player was the only player missing. The motion was defeated 8-5.

• Keith proposed an amendment to the player substitution rule that requires a manager to replace high-rated and low-rated players on an alternating basis.


# of Players Missing  # of Subs Allowed  Who can be subbed for 
 1 None 
 2 1 Either of the two missing players

1st sub - manager’s choice of missing players

2nd sub – lowest rated missing player

 4 3

1st sub – manager’s choice of missing players

2nd sub – lowest rated missing player

3rd sub – manager’s choice of remaining missing players

 5 4

1st sub – manager’s choice

2nd sub – lowest rated missing player

3rd sub – manager’s choice of remaining missing players

4th sub – lowest rated remaining missing player

 6 5

1st sub – manager’s choice

2nd sub – lowest rated missing player

3rd sub – manager’s choice of remaining missing players

4th sub – lowest rated remaining missing player

5th sub - manager’s choice of remaining missing players

 7 0 Team forfeits – team must have at least 6 of its own players 





















Motion was seconded by Dave Lovelace. Carried 8-5.

• A motion was made by Carl Pierce and seconded by Johnny Allen to permit a 4-rated player to be replaced by a player rated up to a 6. The motion passed unanimously.

• A motion was made by Johnny Allen and seconded by Steve Unger to start the bat count at 0-0 with no courtesy foul. The motion passed unanimously.

• A motion was made by Pat Carey and seconded by Steve Unger to put numbers on shirts. The motion carried 11-2. (Post-Meeting update - The cost of putting numbers on the shirts was in excess of $350. The Executive Committee decided not to approve this expenditure (per By-Laws, Section 2.6) because it believes that this money could be better used elsewhere to improve the players’ experience. The shirts were ordered without numbers.)

• A motion was made by Dave Sroka and seconded by Pat Carey to prohibit managers from disallowing their players from playing as substitutes in earlier games. Motion carried unanimously.

• Attendees were reminded of important dates for the 2018 season:

o OTS General Meeting - Monday, April 2 at 6:00 p.m., location TBA

o Pre-season practices start Tuesday, April 3 with 2017 teams

o New Player Evaluation Day – Thursday, April 19

o Player draft – Monday, April 23, time and location TBA

o Practice with new teams starts – Tuesday, April 24

o Season starts – Tuesday, May 1 and runs through August

• The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

C. Pierce, Secretary