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2013 General Cheer Season Information

Posted by Regina Cosma at Jan 15, 2013 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

*2013 General Cheer Information* 


  1. All Cheer Squad Fundraiser: Sale of at least 4 boxes of candies per cheerleader. You can opt out of this fundraiser by paying $100 to OYFL. However, you are still required to participate in the league fundraisers listed below. (Candy sale is for cheerleaders only.)
  2. OYF League Fundraiser #1: Sale of minimum of 5 cash calendars per cheerleader (Or uniforms may be withheld)
  3. OYF League Fundraiser #2: Each individual team's cheer squad is responsible to put together at least one donation basket PLUS the sale of dinner tickets and 10 raffle tickets for the PARENT'S NIGHT OUT fundraiser.


Cheer clinic is a three week commitment. It is mandatory because it is during this clinic that we will condition, teach basic cheer moves, teach and refine the dance and all-cheer for their performance at Jamboree on August 24th. Time is of the essence so we need to claim all we can. (Clinic begins 7/29 and is 5 days per week for four weeks)


Football/Cheer Season is 8/31 through 11/16. PASO ROBLES is hosting the Superbowl this year. We need all squads to cheer through the playoffs up to Superbowl. Keep in mind that even if your team doesn't make it to playoffs your squad's cheer season is not over. Squads will be combined as we see fit. 


If you have a preference for your daughter to cheer for a sibling, the ONLY guarantee for that to happen is to be certified as a cheer coach. Cheer squads can only be placed with teams that have a cheer coach.

A cheer coach must:

  1. Complete a VOLUNTEER form (Can be found under FORMS/HANDOUTS on this site)
  2. Pass fingerprint screening, (Administered by Sylvia's Fingerprinting in Santa Maria - no charge to you)
  3. Attend the mandatory coach's clinic on (tba),
  4. Attend at least 2 practices per week during conditioning weeks and attend at least one weekly cheer practice with your squad during regular season and
  5. Coach the girls at Saturday games.

Coaches will be given a binder of learned and approved cheers, league rules and essential emergency information.

This offer is open to anyone interested in becoming a cheer coach whether or not there is a sibling connection. Please see Regina or Omi if interested. 

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Posted by OYFL WEBMASTER at Jul 27, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


SALES OF CASH CALENDARS ARE MANDATORY.  UNIFORMS AND GEAR WILL NOT BE RELEASED TO PLAYERS AND CHEERLEADERS UNLESS THE MINIMUM REQUIRED CALENDARS ARE SOLD AND MONEY FOR SAME HAS BEEN TURNED IN TO THE LEAGUE!  This is a fundraiser we have year after year and many other leagues do the same exact fundraiser as well.  Our registration fee barely covers the cost of your childs jersey and equipment that we have to replace yearly and insurance to cover your child.  We have many many more costs that go into playing football that registration fees do not cover which is where fundraising comes into play.  Cash calendars not only help the league to raise money to cover EMT fees, field fees, referee fees, etc... but it also gives back to our parents and the community and awards those who have purchased the cash calendars.  Everyday as soon as the drawing starts someone wins money throughout the season.  Without our fundraisers our program would not exist.  Without the support of you, our parents, our families, our community OYFL wouldn't be here for the kids.  So thank you for taking the time to help your child sell his or her cash calendars which then in turn helps out the league keep running smoothly year after year.  Thank you for all you do! 


Physicals are required for both cheer and football players! We will hold one date, after that you must see your own doctor. Forms can be downloaded from our Forms/Handouts Tab on this site. Please make three copies upon turning your form in to us.  Forms are due no later than the first day of conditioning or your child can not start conditioning until it is turned in. 


There are absolutely no food, drinks, sunflower seeds, dogs etc... on all turf fields.  This includes Santa Maria, Pioneer, St. Joes and Righetti.  Please help us by following these rules so we can continue to use these fields.  Do not send your child with any beverage on the field beside water.  If you have a sports beverage for them they must drink it in the stands only.  There is also no smoking on these fields at all.Thanks in advance for following the rules of the fields.  They are not our rules but the rules of the schools.  Thank you. 


All new coaches and team moms who are badged must be fingerprinted prior to receiving a badge.  Even if you have coached before but have had a lapse in coaching you must go get refingerprinted. 

Trophies are optional and vary by team.  They are not provided by the league.  Please talk to your team mom and your coach to see how your team will be doing this.  If you are in the Superbowl the CCYFL provides trophies to the 1st and 2nd place teams.  As for end of the year parties this also varies on a team to team basis.  Please talk to your team mom or head coach.  OYFL does not have closing ceremonies either.
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Posted by OYFL WEBMASTER at Jul 27, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


SALES OF CASH CALENDARS ARE MANDATORY.  UNIFORMS AND GEAR WILL NOT BE RELEASED TO PLAYERS AND CHEERLEADERS UNLESS THE MINIMUM REQUIRED CALENDARS ARE SOLD AND MONEY FOR SAME HAS BEEN TURNED IN TO THE LEAGUE!  This is a fundraiser we have year after year and many other leagues do the same exact fundraiser as well.  Our registration fee barely covers the cost of your childs jersey and equipment that we have to replace yearly and insurance to cover your child.  We have many many more costs that go into playing football that registration fees do not cover which is where fundraising comes into play.  Cash calendars not only help the league to raise money to cover EMT fees, field fees, referee fees, etc... but it also gives back to our parents and the community and awards those who have purchased the cash calendars.  Everyday as soon as the drawing starts someone wins money throughout the season.  Without our fundraisers our program would not exist.  Without the support of you, our parents, our families, our community OYFL wouldn't be here for the kids.  So thank you for taking the time to help your child sell his or her cash calendars which then in turn helps out the league keep running smoothly year after year.  Thank you for all you do! 


Physicals are required for both cheer and football players! We will hold one date, after that you must see your own doctor. Forms can be downloaded from our Forms/Handouts Tab on this site. Please make three copies upon turning your form in to us.  Forms are due no later than the first day of conditioning or your child can not start conditioning until it is turned in. 


There are absolutely no food, drinks, sunflower seeds, dogs etc... on all turf fields.  This includes Santa Maria, Pioneer, St. Joes and Righetti.  Please help us by following these rules so we can continue to use these fields.  Do not send your child with any beverage on the field beside water.  If you have a sports beverage for them they must drink it in the stands only.  There is also no smoking on these fields at all.Thanks in advance for following the rules of the fields.  They are not our rules but the rules of the schools.  Thank you. 


All new coaches and team moms who are badged must be fingerprinted prior to receiving a badge.  Even if you have coached before but have had a lapse in coaching you must go get refingerprinted. 

Trophies are optional and vary by team.  They are not provided by the league.  Please talk to your team mom and your coach to see how your team will be doing this.  If you are in the Superbowl the CCYFL provides trophies to the 1st and 2nd place teams.  As for end of the year parties this also varies on a team to team basis.  Please talk to your team mom or head coach.  OYFL does not have closing ceremonies either.
