News and Announcements

CM LAX star Matt Maletta has been selected Observer-Reporter Athlete of the Week. Read the article here


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Tomorrow is Senior Recognition Night

Posted by Ken Podlaszewski at May 2, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Tomorrow, Friday May 4, is Canon Mac Lacrosse Senior Recognition Night, so bring your friends and family out to Canon Mac Stadium to cheer on our Lacrosse teams and to help us honor our Canon Mac Lacrosse seniors.  There will be two great Lacrosse games played as both the JV and Varsity Canon Mac teams battle Baldwin.  The JV game starts at 6 PM followed by the Varsity game at approximately 7:30 PM. Be sure to come hungry because we will have some terrific food at the concession stand for both games including hot dogs, meatball sandwiches, pepperoni rolls, ham barbeque sandwiches, and more!

The Boosters have made arrangements for the boys to go bowling Friday, April 27th.

The team WILL practice on the 27th from 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm and go bowling immediately after wards at the SNPJ Club in Strabane (269 Latimer Avenue) from 7:30 pm until 9:30 pm.

There will be pizza, drinks and cake for the boys to eat. We do have some parent volunteers who will help get all the boys to the SNPJ Club so you do not have to come back and drive them to bowling. Of course any parents that would like to come are more then welcome.

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You can still order pictures

Posted by Ken Podlaszewski at Apr 18, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

If your son did not turn in an order form on picture day, you can still order pictures. Every player had an individual picture taken whether they had an order form or not. There are blank order forms at the concessions stand. Once completed please mail to Mirisciotti’s at the below address with payment.

If your son turned in an order form BUT did not have payment. Please mail your payment to Mirisciotti’s at the below address. Be sure to note on the memo line CM Lacrosse AND your players name AND number.

Mirisciotti Photography
333 W. Pike Street
Canonsburg, PA 15317



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Player stats are now available

Posted by Ken Podlaszewski at Apr 3, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Player stats are now available in the form of an excel spreadsheet. To see the latest stats, go to the "Handouts" section (NOT Stats) on the left and click on Stats under "Other Handouts". Then click on the appropriate spreadsheet handout. After opening the spreadsheet, be sure to click on the highest numbered game tab. Thanks to Gary Beam and Tom Herman for gathering these stats and providing the spreadsheets.