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Opening Day Information

Posted by Carla Steinmetz at Feb 18, 2007 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Schedule: The full schedule for the day is on the MILL website (or will be shortly), but here are the items that affect us (Majors White Sox): Photos: 8:50 am (please be 10 minutes early) Ceremony: 10:00 am (players to be on the field at 9:45) Bat Around: 12:15 pm (please be 10 minutes early) Coach’s Softball Game: starts at 1:15pm (no special time to be early - we'll be watching the managers/coaches play) EACH PLAYER needs to bring the following for Opening Day – due by 2 March Majors - 12 pack of soda in cans (Coke products) I can collect them beforehand, or collect money and buy it all at once and drop it off for you. Volunteers: • Two volunteers are needed from each team to cover the concession stand for breakfast, lunch and snacks on Opening Day. • One volunteer is needed from each team to check the trash. • Volunteers will also be needed to help with closing and cleanup at the end of Opening Day. Our time for these 4 volunteers to work on Opening Day is 1:30 – 3:00. Please let me know if you or your spouse can volunteer for one of these duties. Lunch: Lunch for Opening Day will be provided by Dominos. Meal tickets will be sold for $4.00. Each meal ticket will include 2 slices of pizza (either cheese or pepperoni), a breadstick, a drink and desert. I have meal tickets for sale. Please see me THIS WEEK so that we can get an estimate to Domino’s for the number of pizzas they will need to bring. Raffles: Each team needs to provide a raffle prize. Parents can either chip in and purchase an item or one can be donated (i.e. restaurant gift card, department store gift card, sports stuff, etc). Raffle tickets will be sold on opening day for these. Please let me know if y’all have any suggestions, I can go either way on collecting money or items. And a completely different raffle will be going on throughout the season. Golf tournament raffle tickets are also being sold. These will cost $5.00 each - $4 of which will come back to our league as a fund raiser. The drawing will be held on May 12th, and the prizes are very nice (for example: 1st prize is a 57: Hitachi HDTV, 2nd prize is a 4 night cruise for 2, and 3rd prize is a $1000 US Savings Bond, and many other prizes). All money from the sale of these tickets are due back by May 1st. Please see me to purchase one or more of these raffle tickets. Spirit Ads: Spirit ads will be sold that will be published in the Opening Day program. Parents can purchase a 3 x 5 space and write a message to their child. The cost for this is $5.00, and they are due back to me NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, 25 Feb. Also, business card ads can be purchased for the Opening Day program for $25. They are due back to me NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, 25 Feb. Please let me know if you have ANY questions.
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Practice schedule posted

Posted by Carla Steinmetz at Jan 21, 2007 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
The season schedule is being updated and will be posted when complete. You can see the full listing on the Practice or Calendar links on the left hand menu.
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First Practice Scheduled

Posted by Carla Steinmetz at Jan 19, 2007 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
The first practice for the White Sox will be on Sunday, 21 Jan, at 1pm at the South (Tropical) fields.