News and Announcements

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Recent NCLL Board efforts to upgrade Newton Central baseball programs:
Starting before the Spring 2007 season and continuing through the summer and fall 2007 seasons and the spring and summer 2008 seasons, we engaged a fields contractor to -

* pull boulders out of the Peirce outfield that were at the surface and hurt our players

* put better drainage around the Ward Upper field

* attempt to "flatten" out the infields and outfields

* clean up the base paths

* re-build mound and plate areas

* groom, mow and maintain the fields on a weekly basis

* re-seeded and re-sodded bare outfield areas

* aggressive efforts to dry out the fields after rains so that games can be played

* repairing and regularizing the irrigation of Cabot

* creating a 2d field at Burr (albeit temporary)

* other "invisible" fields maintenance to promote healthy grass and infield, plate and mound dirt

In addition to our fields upgrades, we started off-season baseball clinics, t-ball for NCLL and 3 summer travel baseball teams in the Suburban Youth Baseball League, in our continuing effort to improve your and your children's enjoyment of little league baseball. All of these efforts are costly and most are supported in whole or in part by donations.

Please help !

- Murray Sackman, Fields Coordinator

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Fields Upgrade Program

Posted by Mitchell Klein at Aug 12, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Friends of the Newton Central Little League Community,

The Board of Directors of Newton Central Little League (NCLL) asks for your support in our continuing commitment to upgrade our NCLL baseball programs. For example, we are 18 months into a 5-year plan to invest considerable resources and effort in upgrading our baseball fields at Cabot, Peirce and Ward.

We are now embarking on the most ambitious phase of our program - to install a new infield and outfield at Cabot field in time for the fall baseball season (weather permitting). Our next phase will be to replace the Peirce infield, remove a few more boulders from the outfield (we removed several a year ago - a few were too large then) -  and discuss outfield plans with Newton soccer. Then we will turn our attention back to Ward. 

We have researched and considered the alternatives  - replacing Cabot is the best way to provide our children with a playing field equivalent to other majors fields in other Newton little leagues. The outfield and infield areas have broken down and may become unsafe for fielders and base runners and the mound needs to be rebuilt. Too often, baseballs take odd bounces and players take odd tumbles in the infield and outfield.   

The Cabot upgrade will cost approximately $50,000. We ask your help - donations of course are greatly appreciated and the most direct way to help - whether $10 or $100 or $1,000 or $10,000. Please send a check to:

Newton Central Little League
c/o David Levenfeld
11 Charles River Terrace
Newton, MA 02461-1912

You may also donate ON LINE by CLICKING HERE.

And most importantly, the NCLL board is completely volunteer - we have no paid staff - and we invite you to offer your help!  Can you contact friends and businesses for donations and sponsorships?  Can you host a fundraiser at your house?  Can you arrange any special guests to invite to a fundraiser?


Please help!




Roger Lehrberg, President

Alan Schlesinger, Secretary

David Levenfeld, Treasurer

Mitchell Klein, Chief Technology Officer / registrar / webmaster
Murray Sackman, Fields Coordinator

617-755-5100 (mobile)

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More images from around the league

Posted by Mitchell Klein at May 17, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Pictures from around the league - the AA Rangers
Submitted By Cheryl Clegg
See YOUR photos here!
Email them to info@NewtonCentral
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Spring 2008 Registration Information

Posted by Mitchell Klein at Jan 15, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )


Newton Central Little League is open to all children who live in the Cabot, Peirce or Ward elementary school districts and are age eligible (see table below).  Any child wishing to play in the NCLL from outside this district must provide a waiver from the district he / she currently resides in before consideration is given.

There are several different leagues within the Newton Central Little League: Farm, AA, AAA, and Majors.  The league that your child will play in is determined by their age as well as tryouts (for older children only).  Tryouts are intended to ensure that children play at the level that is most suitable for their skill level, as well as to attempt to balance teams.

For all 5 and 6 year olds who are not yet in first grade.

FARM LEAGUE: For all first grade through league age 8 year olds.  This is a coach pitch instructional league.

AA MINORS: Players who are league age 9 can elect to play in the farm league (see above) or may try out to determine eligibility for placement.  AA Minors is where players begin to pitch.  Not all 9 year olds are placed on AA teams; some will benefit from the instructional farm system. NOTE: League age 8 year olds who are in 3rd grade may also try out for AA.  Please register as a 7/8 year old and indicate you wish to try out for AA.

AAA MINORS: League age 10 players MUST tryout to determine placement on either AA or AAA League teams.  AAA is a more competitive & advanced league with rules similar to the Majors.

MAJORS LEAGUE: All league age 11 and 12 players MUST tryout to determine placement on either a AAA or Major League team.  The Major Leagues are the most advanced league in the Little League.  No tryout is necessary for any player returning to a major league team from the 2006 NCLL Spring Season.  NOTE:  Playing on a major league team in the Fall League does NOT qualify and tryouts will be necessary.

REGISTRATION FEES:  Registration costs $95 for each player who registers by the deadline.  NCLL will provide scholarships for families in need - please contact us for details.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  The registration deadline is February 15, 2007. After February 15, 2007, a late registration fee of $20.00 will apply. Player registrations received after February 28th will be put on a waiting list and players will be assigned to teams on a space available only basis. Please get your registrations in on time - we will have to turn away latecomers to avoid placing too many players on a team.


Registration dates
Open January 16 - February 18
$95 fee; additional children in the same family receive a $20 discount.

Open through February 29th. A late processing fee of $20 is added


PLEASE understand we are volunteers serving the community
and request all players be registered within the dates posted above.
Thank you!


 Paper registration form is also available to download.  Click the HANDOUTS link on the left side menu.


Birthdate between May 1, 1995 and April 30, 1996 League age 12
Birthdate between May 1, 1996 and April 30, 1997 League age 11

Birthdate between May 1, 1997 and April 30, 1998

League age 10
Birthdate between May 1, 1998 and April 30, 1999 League age 9
Birthdate between May 1, 1999 and April 30, 2000 League age 8
Birthdate between May 1, 2000 and April 30, 2001 League age 7
ALL FIRST GRADE CHILDREN ARE ELIGIBLE TO PLAY - REGARDLESS OF BIRTH DATE - This waiver was approved by the NCLL board of directors.  Online registration will accept all first grade children wishing to play.  
Newton Central is offering T-ball for all children 5 and 6 years old who are not yet in foirst grade.


T-BALL League: Teams will be formed based on elementary schools as best as we can.  Games will be played on SATURDAY MORNINGS ONLY!  Practices are totally up to the team coaches.  Games will be oplayed at Albemarle Field and will play teams from both Central and North leagues.

Farm League: This league is formed with regard to elementary school as much as possible. We are also happy to try and place players on a team with ONE friend and one friend only as long as your application is received by February 18th. Please identify your child's friend on your registration form. Your child's friend must also identify your child as a friend on their registration form.
We cannot honor any requests with more than one friend - we are, after all, volunteers and forming teams is challenging enough.  Thank you for understanding!

AA & AAA: Minor League teams are formed based upon player’s school and skill level (determined through tryouts and by prior season player evaluations prepared by each coach). Requests for specific team placement with a friend will not be accepted at the Minor League levels. Please note that every effort is made to place at least two children from a school on the same team.

Major League: The Major League Teams are created through a draft system. In order to be considered for the Major Leagues, you must attend one of the two tryouts.

Players will be notified of team assignments by mid-April.
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Registration Information - Fall Ball 2006

Posted by Mitchell Klein at Jul 25, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


The Fall baseball program is a cooperative effort with all five Newton Little Leagues working together.  Newton East coordinates the schedules and teams.

It is a competitive program with opponents from other Newton Leagues as well as Needham, Belmont, Brookline and Waltham; as such it is like a local travel team, where many games will be at fields other than Cabot.

Beginning in early September, two games per week are played (one weekday and one on Sunday) for six weeks.  There will NOT be any games on 9/22, 9/24, 10/1 or 10/2.  Practices will be at the discretion of the Manager. 

Sunday games are played at 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm.  In September, weekday games are played at 5 pm; in early October the games begin at 4:30 and in mid october at 4:00.  MINORS weekday games will be on Monday, Wednesday or Friday.  MAJORS weekday games will be on Tuesday or Thursday.  The program will begin on or about Friday September 10th, and will continue throughout October (weather permitting, of course!).

The fall programs are extremely important for players' development, since they are more or less the equivalent of another spring season of experience.

For purposes of the fall league, participants must be age eligible for the 2007 Little League Spring Season (born after May 1, 1994 and before April 30, 1997)

The cost of the Fall Program is $50, with registrations due by August 15th.

Registrations placed after August 15th will incur a $20 late fee and cannot be guaranteed a spot on a team.  If no slot is available fees will be fully refunded.

Only children who have played Minor League (AA or AAA) or Major League baseball in the spring of 2006 will be eligible to play in the fall baseball program.


Consists of players who were members of a Major Division team in the spring of 2006 and will be eligible for the 2007 Little League Spring Season.  Occasionally players from AAA will be considered.


Consists of players who were members of a Minor League Division (AA or AAA) in the spring of 2006.  Players are combined on fall teams, based on the number of registrants.   AAA rules are used and most players will be at the AA or AAA level. 


We encourage all parents to register on our website, as it greatly simplifies the registration process for all of us volunteers (yup a volunteer is writing this!). 
Please help us by regsitering your child / children online:


The League is open to all children who live in the Cabot, Peirce or Ward Elementary School districts and are age-eligible (born after May 1, 1994 and before April 30, 1997).

Paper registration forms are also available for download from this website. There will be a $10.00 additional charge for using paper registrations. Click HERE to download the paper registration form.

To keep registration fees from increasing significantly, Newton Central depends on the generosity of our parent and business community. Our Little League is responsible for maintaining the Cabot, Ward and Peirce fields, which has become increasingly costly over the years. For safety reasons, we also need to replace equipment and supplies on a regular basis. Last year we ran a deficit, and we request your help to keep us in the black in 2006.

We very much appreciate the generous donations many of you have already made this year!

Check out the "My Site News" tab for information about the Little League organization and other Little League opportunities.

The National Little League in Williamsport, PA is requiring all Little Leagues to perform criminal offender record information(CORI)back ground checks on Managers, Coaches, Board of Directors members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams. To learn more about this new policy, please click (on left) on Links, Little League Baseball and follow the links to the Little League Child Protection Program.

Please download two documents (click on handouts tab on left or at bottom of this page): Please fill out Volunteer Application in its entirety, paying special attention to the authorization on the right-hand side of the form to conduct a background check on you. In addition, complete the lower half of the Request for Sex Offender Registry. Please return both documents to Craig Gilmartin; Gilmartin, Magence and Ross, PC; 376 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116. The original background check document will be sent to the Sex Offender Registry Board to conduct the background check. We will keep the Application and copy of the Request for Sex Offender Registry Information on file for the duration of your service to the league for this year. If you have any questions regarding this policy please contact Craig Gilmartin ( Thank you.

If you have any questions regarding Newton Central Little League, please feel free to contact Roger Lehrberg, President, at 617-332-4200, or Newton Central Little League at

Little Leagues in Newton
Newton also has four other Little League programs for specific school districs; each league maintains their own website.
Newton East LL for players residing in Bowen, Mason-Rice, Memorial-Spaulding Elementary school districts.
Newton North LL for players residing in Lincoln Elliot, Horace Mann, and Underwood school districts.
Newton South LL for players residing in Angier, Zervas, and Countryside school districts.
Newton West LL for players in Burr, Franklin, or Williams school districts.