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Weekly News

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Nov 27, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Hi Force Families, We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday, don't forget we have practice this Friday 12/1/06 at Mariners from 6:30-8:30 p.m. We will be working the boys out pretty hard going over everything before our first game on Sunday. The Saturday practice is still not announced yet from VFW but we were going to have a shoot around for this day so the boys can rest up a little from Friday. We also have been invited to participate in the 1st Annual Desert Classic in Palm Springs in April 2007. We might use this tournament as our second travel tournament depending on information that we have requested already. Let Jon or I know if you will not be at practice on Friday or Saturday. Have a great week, Mark
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SEYO Season Schedule

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Nov 19, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
We just finished the scheduling meeting tonight and with a few favors the schedule is set for the upcoming season. All of our games will be played at OCBC and all of our games will be played at 12:00 noon. Our first game will be Sunday 12/3/06 against OCBC, the following week we will play Norwalk then the following week OCO. We will be discussing this more on Friday at Jason's Facility. Thanks, Mark
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Upcoming week information

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Nov 18, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Dear Force Families, We wanted to wish everyone a "Happy Thanksgiving" this week. We are truly thankful for being a part of this basketball family. What a difference a year makes. Thank you all for making this upcoming season something to look forward to. We hope everyone is planning on making practice this Friday 11/24/06 at Jason Wright's facility in HB. The practice will be from 3:00-5:00 p.m. We will have Jason work with the boys the first hour and we will work with them the second hour. The cost of this clinic/practice will be paid by our Force fund. Please let us know if you cannot make it. During Jason's clinic hour we would like to talk to all the parents regarding the upcoming tournament schedule for next year. We will discuss the possible travel tournaments as well as local ones. We also need to plan on playing in the Megalopolis Tournament in March as SEYO has mandated that all Gold Division Champions must play in this tournament, we will try to clarify on who will be paying if this mandate is enforced. We will explain the whole Megalopolis Tournament in a later update, this is a joint effort between CYC, CBO and SEYO. If you haven't provided Wendy a school schedule for your player please bring one to Friday's practice, we need this schedule to look at practice opportunities and gym reservations for the future. We also have cancelled the practice for Saturday 11/25/06 as we want to be able to relax?? at Christian's birthday party and not have to worry about having to come or go to another practice. This will leave us only two more practices before the start of the SEYO season on Sunday 12/3/06. The two practices will be Friday 12/1/06 and a light practice on Saturday 12/2/06. We should have the SEYO schedule tomorrow night as we will be attending the scheduling meeting at 7:30 p.m. Again, have a "Happy Thanksgiving" be safe and enjoy your family and friends. Mark
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Practice Update for this Weekend

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Nov 13, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Hello Force, We are going to be practicing on Friday 11/17 at Mariners from 6:30-8:30 p.m. We will also practice on Saturday 11/18 at the Warrior Center from 1:00-2:30 p.m. Please let Jon or I know if you cannot make either practice, thanks again. Mark
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Upcoming SEYO Season

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Nov 12, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
We are approaching our first SEYO season together, it seems odd since the first two years we were on opposite ends of the court. There are going to be four teams in this year Pee Wee Upper Blue Division. They are OCO, Norwalk, OCBC and VFW. Two of the teams have been changed dramatically, the Norwalk team split in the summer and created two teams, the Blue team started with only 5 players but have picked up 3 good players to fill the team. The OCO team also went through some changes adding a 10 year old playr from La Verne who is suppose to be a pretty good player. We think OCBC is the only team that is unchanged and is moving up from the White division with a 9-1 record. This is not the team that we played in the Tigers Tournament, that was the other OCBC team. We have asked the Gym Commissioner if our division can be placed in a larger facility then the White division, the White division plays sideways as the gym is divided in two. Our boys need a larger court to play on so we will see if our wishes come true. Since the teams in our division are unknown to us we will approach the season as if it were a tournament. Once we find out the caliber of talent on these teams then we might adjust the practice schedule accordingly. We will try and see if we can practice this Friday and Saturday 11/17 and 11/18, then Friday 11/24 and maybe 11/25 before Christian's b-day party. Then the last practice will be Friday 12/1 resting our boys on Saturday 12/2 before league starts. As soon as we confirm some dates and times we will update the web. We will be at the Warrior Center this Saturday but are confirming the time tonight at the VFW meeting. Let us know if you have any input or comments, thanks. Mark
