News and Announcements

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June Schedule

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jun 6, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Dear Force Parents, We hope you got some rest this past weekend without any basketball practices or games to deal with. We are going to set up the practice schedule for the month of June later this week. We have this weekend verified with Saturday working out with Jason at the SCCCC from 5:00-7:00 p.m. and on Sunday we will be at Mariners from 5:00-7:00 p.m. It is important that everyone makes every practice as we will be preparing not only for the Jets Tournament in July but also for the Dodgers Tournament in August. We will need everyone to be there in order for our drills to be effective. We also will be shooting our 1,000 free throws for the summer again starting this weekend. We will go over the rules with the boys on Sunday and they can start on Sunday if they wish. Remember there is "NO SODA" for the next two months so please remind the boys that they need to get the soda out of their system so that they can sweat to keep themselves cool in the 100 degree heat in Las Vegas. Let me know if you have any questions, thanks again. Mark
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Tiger Tournament Recap

Posted by Jon Morinishi at May 27, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Dear Force Parents, Our boys played very well this past weekend in the Tigers Tournament. We had a close call on Saturday against the Jets Wild Force as they forced us into overtime but with our successful tip play and a couple of free throws we ended up on top 30-26 Sunday's game was a totally different Force team that showed up. We had been practicing the past two weeks to play the FOR Victory's 1-3-1 defense. It worked as we rolled to a 44-24 win to put us in the Championship Game on Monday. In the Title Game we faced the Pasadena Bruins who beat the Mustangs to play us. We knew that Kyle Shinmoto and Joey Toyama were going to shoot the 3 point shot but our game plan was not to let them in the key for any easy points. We also wanted to keep running as we felt we play our best at that level. The result was a 44-36 victory taking the Championship Game of the Tigers Tournament in the Gold Division as the number one seed. We now have a very impressive 11-1 record for the first four tournaments taking the Championship Trophy at the Megalopolis Tournament, FOR Tournament and now the Tigers Tournament. Our only loss was in the Championship Game at the WLA Tournament where we took second place. As parents we should be very proud of our boys as they have worked very hard to earn the right to currently be the number one fourth grade boys team in SEYO, CBO and CYC. With having tied up this long weekend with basketball everyday we will take next weekend off and will resume practice the following week. We will post the practice schedule on this web site in a couple of days once we can confirm gym time. Have a great short work week and enjoy your next weekend off, be sure to remind the boys "NO MORE SODA" as we now prepare for Jets and Dodgers in the summer heat. Mark
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Tiger Tournament Information

Posted by Jon Morinishi at May 22, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Dear Force Parents, Be sure to have the players wear their red uniforms on Saturday but please remember to bring the white one in their tournament bag too. Our game is at 10:00 a.m. so please be sure to be at the gym no later than 9:30 a.m., since we haven't played a morning game in several weeks we suggest that the players physical activities on Friday evening be at a minimum and that they get plenty of rest. We will have eight players so we will have to use everyone quite a bit for the three games this weekend. Since we will likely play all three days this weekend we will not have practice the following weekend to help our parents recover. This would be 6/1, 6/2 or 6/3. We will however have two practices the following weekend including a Jason Wright two hour dribbling clinic on Saturday 6/9/07 at the SCCCC. We are working on the fees for this clinic with Jason. Practice could be either Friday, Saturday or Sunday due to gym availability. We will not be at Mariners for a few months as they are going to be remodeling through August 2007. We will try to have more information for the remaining month of June soon but we will have our players in various practices conditioning for Vegas. THIS IS THE LAST WEEKEND THAT OUR PLAYERS ARE ALLOWED TO DRINK SODA FOR VEGAS See you on Saturday, Mark
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Weekend Information

Posted by Jon Morinishi at May 16, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Dear Force Parents, We just spoke to Jonathan who we ordered our uniforms from. He wanted to let us know that we are to wash our new uniforms in cold water and to hang dry them. Please be sure to maintain them the same way each time to maximize their use. Don't forget that there is NO practice on Friday but we have practice on Saturday at Valencia HS from 10:00-11:30 a.m. We might stay till 12:00 noon if available. We are inviting a new player to practice with us this weekend and if all goes well to play with us in the Tigers Tournament next week. We won't have Ty with us for Tigers as his OCBC team will also be playing in the tournament. The new players name is Austin Deweese and he played on the 5th grade FOR Rockets but wanted to play in his own grade. His parents names are Larry and Tachiko and they are coming from the South Bay. Please give them a Force welcome and thank him and his family for helping us in the Tigers Tournament. With Austin we will have eight players for the weekend. Please try to be there at practice on Saturday to run through our new plays and to help get Austin familiar with our system. Thanks again, Mark
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Tigers Tournament Update

Posted by Jon Morinishi at May 13, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Dear Force Parents, Due to the loss of Mariners on Friday for a school play we will need to use the free practice time allocated to us by VFW on Saturday 5/19/07. We will practice at Valencia HS from 10:00-11:30 a.m. and also on Sunday 5/20/07 at Mariners from 6:00-7:30 p.m. We are also trying to secure a Wed. practice for the following week in the Cerritos area but have not been successful so far. Please let me know if you cannot make either practice, the two weekend practices might be the last before we head into the Tigers Tournament. Have a great week, Mark
