News and Announcements

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Jason Clinic

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Oct 29, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

 Jason has offered his Friday night spot to the "Force" if anyone is interested. The time is from 9:00-10:00 p.m. at his warehouse in HB and the cost is $20. Remember this is totally optional as we have scheduled practices on Saturday and Sunday. We hope to have the VFW Saturday practice schedule in the next day or so.



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Force Future

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Oct 28, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

We are approaching the November SEYO Board Meeting next week for placements of teams. As you already know our coaches put many hours each week planning and scheduling for the future of our team. We wanted to get your opinion on a few items that we have discussed. First, it appears the best situation at this time is to play in the 5th grade gold division. Although we might be better than most teams in this age group we really need to concentrate on our press break as well as our full court press. By moving up to 6th grade  we would lose one whole year of experience in pressing and breaking the press. We also will have a difficult time playing down at our 5th grade level in tournaments if we were to play in 6th grade this season. The FOR Victory was faced with the same situation last season and they elected to play up a grade. They were only able to play at their own grade level in their own FOR Tournament and our VFW Tournament. Please let us know any comments or concerns.

We also would like everyone to check your schedules as we are trying to put together the tournament schedule for 2008.

Tentative schedules are:

March 2008 - SASF (Sacramento),

April 2008 - WLA

May 2008 - FOR and Tigers

June 2008 - Central Cal Cobras (Fresno) (optional)

July 2008 - Jets

August 2008 - Dodgers (Las Vegas), Bruins (optional)

October 2008 - VFW

Please let us know if you have any questions, thanks.



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Upcoming Season Schedule

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Oct 26, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

We are waiting on the VFW practice schedule to come out this week. We will be having practice on Saturday and Sunday until the start of our SEYO season on Sunday Dec. 2nd. The calendar section of the web is now up to date, please note on Saturday Nov 10th we will have a JW Clinic before our normal practice on that day.

There will be no practice on Thanksgiving weekend as we should all take a break to be thankful for what we have.

Please let me know if you have a question, thanks.


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Change in Plans

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Oct 25, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

With the poor air quality in Orange County we will be cancelling practice for this weekend. There is an optional Jason Wright ball handling clinic on Friday night from 9:00-10:00 p.m. at his facility in Huntington Beach. There will be a $20 per player fee for this clinic. (his location is very close to the ocean so the quality of the air there is better) I believe there will be 6 or 7 Force players in attendance.

We hope to have November's schedule out early next week so you can make plans for your weekends.

Let me know if you have any questions, thanks.


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Upcoming Schedule

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Oct 23, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

We will not have practice this Saturday 10/27/07. We are however looking to have an optional practice on Sunday afternoon at Mariners as soon as we here from them. This optional practice will only focus on two items, shooting for the guards and offensive moves for the post players. Coach Scotty and Coach Jon would work with the guards and I will work with the post players. Again, this is optional only if our gym is verified.

For the rest of the year, we will practice twice a week for the upcoming SEYO season working mostly on our full court press and press break. If the gyms work out we will practice on Saturday 11/3, 11/10, 11/17 and Sunday 11/4, 11/11, 11/18, there will be no practice at all for the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend. We will then practice on Saturday 12/1 with our SEYO Season starting on Sunday 12/2. We will not know about our SEYO season until after the Board Meeting on 11/5.

We will update the calendar section of our web when our gyms have been confirmed. 

Thanks again for a great weekend,

