News and Announcements

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just to be safe

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jan 14, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

This was sent by the commissioner of Sunday's game:

Attention all SEYO Boys Midget Lower-Blue coaches and parents reps,
A player, Jason, on the OCBC team has been diagnosed with chicken pox.  Although the OCBC team played GEO in the second game, Jason may have been in contact with players in the first and third game.  Just to be cautious, please inform all your parents.
Bob Cheah 

Let me know if anyone has any questions or concerns, thanks.


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Great Game VFW Force

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jan 12, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

Our boys played a great game today, our game plan worked perfect in the first half. Our diamond and one defense was to stop Kendall from beating us with his quickness to the basket, our press break worked well taking away their full court press and our man to man offenses made them switch up to a zone defense. The result was a 19-11 halftime lead. The second half we had a couple of bad breaks from the referees, OCO made adjustments but we still were not going to let Kendall beat us this game. Kendall ended up with 2 points in the game but we ended up losing 31-42. Troy was our defensive player of the game, he guarded Kendall when he was in the game and also had 5 rebounds got to the free throw line and played very hard when he was in. We will review with our boys at the next practice on what we needed to adjust to in order to win that game.

We will also have a defensive clinic on Friday night at Jason's warehouse from 9:00-10:00 p.m. with K.B. who played professionally in Europe and also with the Anaheim Arsenals. He will work on boxing out, rebounding and playing defense. The more players we have the cheaper it will be as we have negotiated a flat fee of $100 for this clinic. Please let us know if you can make it, we will be inviting other players that we know to get the number to 10 players.

Our Saturday practice will be at Valencia HS from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the Large Gym please try to make this practice as we will be going over tonights game as well as our changes for the next OCO game in 5 weeks.

Have a great week and let your son know that they all played a great game today and that we will learn and will be a better team from this experience.


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Sorry another change

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jan 10, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

Sorry, we've been trying to coordinate with three VFW teams with this weeks revised schedule. All of the teams had made plans based on the first schedule that came out for January and now created conflicts.

This should be the last change for our FORCE team. We will now practice from 2:00-3:30 p.m. at Valencia HS in the Large gym. We are not sure about the picture schedule, we are trying to negotiate a time closer to our practice time.

Okay, now let me know if you cannot make practice, this is a very important practice as we are preparing for OCO game on Sunday.

Again, we apologize for the changes. We will bring up some options at our VFW meeting on Monday night.

Thanks again for your support,


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Change of Practice time

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jan 9, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

Okay, please don't shoot the messenger !!!

All the gym schedules were changed by VFW tonight and so we were able to switch with Jennifer's team so we can practice earlier in the day.

Here is our schedule for this Saturday 1/12/08:

Pictures - 2:40-3:00 p.m. at Valencia HS (wear RED uniforms)

Practice - 3:30-5:00 p.m. at Valencia HS (Large gym North Court)

On the VFW web site the "Force" will be switching with "Double Trouble"

Don't forget Jason's tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. if you can make it (optional).

Let me know if you cannot make either the pictures or practice this weekend,



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Big weekend

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jan 7, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

We are going to keep our original schedule for this weekend. Here it is:

Friday night 1/11/08 - Jason clinic at his warehouse at 9:00 p.m.

Saturday 1/12/08 - Pictures at Valencia HS from 11:00-11:20 a.m. wear RED uniforms, practice 12:00-1:30 p.m.

Sunday 1/13/08 - Game vs OCO at 5:00 p.m. at Western HS, wear WHITE uniforms. (bring both just in case)

We'll keep you posted on any changes if they come up for this week.


