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Player Make-Up Evaluations Saturday January 26

Posted by Paul Skuta at Jan 11, 2019 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Thanks to everyone who had their players at the fields this weekend to evaluate. For those still needing to evaluate (7-12 year olds who wish to play in Single A to Majors) can evaluate on Saturday, January 26. In case of weather the contingency date is Sunday, January 27.

Please report at your scheduled time by age group/last name. Check-in begins at 8:30 AM. We'll see you at the fields!

Saturday, January 26
Check In opens: 8:30am
11 & 12 year olds: 9am  (check-in at 8:30)
9  & 10 year olds: 10am (check-in at 9:30)
7  & 8  year olds: 11am (check-in at 10:30)

Sunday, January 27 (if January 26 is rained out. Follows January 26 schedule)

Player evaluations scheduled for Sunday, January 13 will be held as scheduled. With the fickle nature of January weather, parents are strongly encouraged to have their players evaluate today. Players should arrive at least 1/2 hour prior to their scheduled evaluation time to check in and warm-up.

Sunday, January 13
Check In: 8:30am
9’s: A-L at  9am (check-in at 8:30),  M-Z at 10am(check-in at 9:30)
8’s: A-L at 11am (check-in at 10:30), M-Z at 1pm(check-in at 12:30)
7’s: ALL 7 year olds at 2pm (check-in at 1:30)

Students from Operation Dress Up will be having their annual used sports clothing and equipment drive this year during evals on Jan. 12. Please bring your donations to help support this worthy cause! image
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2019 Little League and Local Rules Resources

Posted by Paul Skuta at Jan 2, 2019 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Know the rules. Little League rules are sometimes different than the MLB rules. You can pick up a 2019 Little League Rule Book at the snack bar for a few bucks. 

Also, Alameda Little League has some local rules that the Board of Directors has chosen to implement. Did you know that a pitcher in AA can pitch only 2 innings while a Majors pitcher can pitch an entire game (provide they stay below the daily maximum pitch count for their age)?  Press this link to read the 2019 Local Rules and Pitching Guidelines.

New umpire or seasoned vet? Press here for a quick diagrammed refresher on Basic Umpiring Mechanics.

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2019 Umpire Training

Posted by Paul Skuta at Jan 2, 2019 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

2019 Umpire Training - March 2nd

Due to expected heavy rains on Saturday morning, we will move the clinic indoor to the warehouse at 2307 Clement Avenue in Alameda. Due to limited space, separate sessions will be held for each division.  Please attend according to the staggered schedule shown below for the Division(s) in which you intend to umpire.  If you wish to umpire in A, AA, and AAA/Majors, come for all sessions.  

Parking on the street will be scarce, so make plans to be dropped off if possible.  Dress warmly.

A Division Umpiring - 8:30 check-in, instruction from 9:00 am to 9:45 am
AA Division Umpiring - 9:30 check-in, instruction from 9:45 am to 10:30 am
AAA & Majors Divisions - 10:00 am check-in, instruction from 10:30 am to NOON


To register, please click here to be taken to registration site: 2019 Umpiring Clinic.

Our rules training is conducted separately.  Prior to attending the March 2nd training, please read the presentation:  Alameda Little League Rules Training Presentation.

If you have any questions, please contact Jim Quilici, Director of Umpires, at

Please be sure to check back here periodically for any updates!