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Posted by Maria Dimopoulos at Oct 23, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Kilroy Dividing Line

Pitching Clinic - November 21st

There will be a Pitching Clinic in Palm Harbor on November 21st - for whoever is interested.  The clinic will be held by:
 Zac Cline of
The Philadelphia Phillies

Please go to the Handout Section for more details.  Beginners are for players that have not pitched at all or hardly ever pitched.

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Posted by Maria Dimopoulos at Sep 10, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

We are looking for a
Baseball Junior/Senior VPto join our Board. 

If interested in joining our Greater Dunedin Little League Board in this capacity, please contact President, Bill O'Connell at  "Bill"

Fall Ball has begun.
We signed up over 150 kids to play baseball/softball this fall. We have
girls and boys playing at all levels - T-ball through Senior ball.  A lot of kids from the Majors have moved up to Junior level and get to play at the Englebert Complex. That is the official site of the Major League Blue Jays! How lucky!   See handout section for game schedules, ground rules, etc.

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All Star Update

Posted by Maria Dimopoulos at Aug 3, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Our own Greater Dunedin Little League is proud to announce that two of our teams - Majors and Juniors won their elimination rounds to advance to the Quarter Finals.  The Majors took the Runner Up award.  See Album section for their team picture.

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Posted by Robyn Buird at Jun 18, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
9 - 10 Year Old Baseball
Kellen Brown Sean Cooperrider Alex Hart Blake Hart Alec Hersh Ryan O'Connell Chaz Pearson Austin Podurgiel Zachary Roberts Jordan Santa Maria Spencer Schmorr Ryan Sheehy Manager: Spencer Hart Coach: Daryl Cooperrider Coach: Doug Schmorr Hosted by Clearwater Little League
11 Year Old Baseball
TJ Bourdeau Joshua Brackenhamer Aaron Chambers Patrick Derr Jordon Fodor Dylan Fresh Scott Griggs Jack Hamrick Ryan Kearns Christian Thompson Manager: Kevin Kearns Coach: Jeff Fresh Coach: Ray Trudell Hosted by Hudson Little League
Major Baseball
BJ Anderson Ben Emery Noah Klassen Alexander Koehl Alex Ciletti Michael Clarkson Hayden Hersh Will Honeycutt Brandon Kidwell Alex Libby Colyn O'Connell Brennan Russell Manager: Mike Clarkson Coach: Rob Peitsch Coach: Keith Beal Hosted by Countryside Little League
Junior Baseball
Ethan Brewer Joshua Buird Phillip Gattas Matt Hart Todd Haskel Tyler Jones Zachary Kennedy Cody Kitchen Eric Kreuter Michael Kumbat Aaron Malarick Bryan Morris Manager: Kirk Kreuter Coach: Stan Blakey Coach: Dennis Jones Hosted by District 12 at Englebert Complex
Senior Baseball
Stephen Barnes Bobby Buettner Luca Esposito Danny Gardner Alex Malarick Brady Malone Jon Pfeifer Devin Santa Maria Brent Scannell Thomas Spence Manager: Jeff Ross Coach: Tim Malone Coach: Randy Smith Hosted by District 12 at Englebert Complex The GDLL Board of Directors give their best wishes to each and everyone of our All-star players and their coaching staff. Click here to check out all the current information regarding the 2005 All-stars. Remember that schedules are subject to change at any given time, so check the schedules daily.
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Posted by Craig Forant at May 12, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
GREATER DUNEDIN LITTLE LEAGUE'S NEWSLETTER PREMIER EDITION GDLL is proud to announce the first edition of "The Strike Zone". The newsletter will be released every season. It will always be accessible through the web.  For your copy click here

