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Unfortunately Lynnfield could not field a team for Saturday and decided to forfeit the game. This puts us in the Championship spot of Division 7..... and we are finally out of the rat race.... on to division 6N. This also means that our first playoff game is at home on Sunday at 9:30 AM.....
The DEA Bedford Masters have up their record to 8-0-1 to put them at the top of their division with one makeup game to play. The latest win comes at the hands of Weston. DEA posted a decisive 7-3 victory last night under the lights of Sportsmans field in a prime time game that was carried by both ESPN2 and the FOX network. DEA started out strong even though they had their smallest squad show up so far. With only one sub at the start of the game, Bedford jumped to a 1-0 lead 5 minutes in as George Wegricht would finish off a nice pass from Johnnie Valickus. This goal would be George's first of three on the night with an assist to boot. Minutes later, Stan would pair up with Jeff Guild for DEA's second tally. Bedford was off to the races. Jim McCall would get in on the action, knowing that he had to leave at halftime to play that stupid game where your try to throw a ball into a small hoop on a pole... George would collect the assist and DEA was up 3-0. About midway through the first half, George would get together with John Valickus again for DEA's 4th goal. It was looking like a romp at this point but Weston would wake up. A long feed to the Weston striker would catch Jim Goddard wandering a little too far from his cage. Jim would make the initial save but the rebound was netted by the second Weston striker. The play leveled at this point until about 10 minutes left in the half. First Stan would get another nice cross from Jeff Guild and deposit it in the back of the Weston net. Weston would answer right back with another goal off a shot and a rebound. Just before the half, George would be tripped inside the Weston area and would be awarded a PK. George would beat the keeper to the right and DEA was up 6-2 at the half. Jim McCall and John Morin would depart for their Basketball game....(I am sure there is something in their DEA contracts that prohibit this).... and DEA was down to no subs. The GM had to leave for a DEA indoor game also.... but not before leaving the beer with Jeff G.. The second half would certainly slow down on the scoring side of things. Weston would net their third goal of the match. I am not sure how as I had left. I am sure it had to do with Goddard being way out of position... DEA would score their 7th and final goal as Dan Roberge would finish off Jeff Guild's third assist on the night. The ball must have been passed around after that and I am sure there was great excitement. There were kids knocking down trees up the hill and yelling and screaming. Anyway... the final whistle would blow and the peasants would all rejoice. Great Win. This sets up a showdown between DEA and Lynnfield for the division Championship on Thursday night. DEA needs only to tie to win the Division Championship and move up to D6. DEA will be looking for the win. Depending the outcome of this game, will determine the location of the Semifinal Playoff game with the south divisions. If DEA wins or ties Lynnfield they will have home field advantage and play the Southern Division Runner UP. If they loose they would travel to the Cape to take on the Marion team out of Fairhaven, MA. GREAT WIN DEA, and I hope that someone turned out the lights...sorry for the spotty details of the second half... I wasn't there.....
The mist covered the field on a cool November morning. Jim Goddard actually showed up early to the game, I guess he had all green lights on the way, messing with his "show up in time to start the game" approach. What ever it was, it worked as Goddard would earn his second shutout of the season as DEA would roll over Westford 5-0 heading into the final week of makeup games. No referee showed for the start, Westford graciously supplied a substitute ref for the 1st fifteen minutes until the real one finally arrived. It just happened to be the same ref. that showed up 20 minutes late when we played Amesbury. It took about 25 minutes into the game before DEA started to clearly dominate the game. Jim McCall worked a give and go with John Morin returning a great pass to McCall who took it in 1v1 on the goalie beating him in the low corner. This opened the flood gates for Bedford. Nick Masci broke down the right side, then cuts a great ball back to John Guild who strikes a 20 yard ball into the back of the net. A few plays later, Jim McCall hits a corner kick to Stan getting great vertical to knock a head ball into the side netting, at 5' 6" he is our leading air specialist. The half ended with a 3-0 lead but that was not enough. Lots of pressure in the Westford end, yielded another, when Jim McCall drove deep to the left corner cutting a pass to the 12 yard mark where Jeff Guild makes a one touch turn then snaps a low hard driven ball past everyone. The goalie had no chance to react. Lots more pressure in the Westford end causes yields the second goal in two games for Ray who again waiting at the 30, spanks a line drive past everyone to the back of the net. Notable player of the day came from the DEA defense. Jim Kellogg was not to be beaten in any format, he was all over any ball remotely close to him, frustrating the Westford offense continually. He seemed to be an invincible wall. Jim has truly perfected the stopper midfield-forward position. Two more regular season games during the week will be challenging. Numbers may be sketchy on both nights, with many people having conflicts. Hopefully we can end with no loses this season.
A strong first half for the DEA team. Goal one came early on with nice couple of moves by George who crossed the ball to the waiting head of Stan who knocked one in the back of the net. Not much later with lots of pressure for the Bedford team a poor clear from the Nashoba team finds Ray Luscinski cracking a 30 yard shot past everyone into the goal. The half ended with a 2-0 lead. DEA came out very poorly in the 2nd half. Things did not gel, and DEA started losing control of the ball. Nashoba got one back to make it 2-1. Holding composure DEA gets control again when Eric Burger crossed a nice ball to the man of the day, Stan, who puts another one away. Nashoba not giving up, gets another one back, applying heavy pressure to the home team. The final crushing blow came from our star of the day Stan giving a good pass to Jim McCall in front of the goal adding the 4th of the day in to lock the game up with a 4-2 Victory. Jim Goddard picked up his 4th win for DEA and got banged up a bit in the end. It wasn't pretty but the Bedford got the job done. Next Match is with the Grey Goats of Westford in Westford, MA at 9:00 AM.