News and Announcements

Join Dixie Baseball

Posted by Mark McCullough at Dec 31, 2018 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Want to join DBB?


Contact any Georgia DBB Official

 1.  Read our rulebook cover to cover to see if our program fits the needs of your community. Local league play comes first with DBB. After the season we do have some of the best tournaments.

2. Put together a Baseball Board with- A President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Player agent and a Safety Officer.

3. Advertise a try out date for all players

4. Have an open draft with your coaches, a player agent should assure that all coaches will have equal access to all players wanting to play in your league

5. Fill out your team rosters to send in to DBB

6. The President of your league Franchise’s your teams with DBB.

Play Ball!  You can play any team in or out of DBB. Your players can also if they wish, can dual participate with any program

It’s that simple!

The document 2023_Local_League_Operation_-_Board_of_Director_Responsibilities.pdf was attached to this post.

2023 Franchise Renewals

Posted by Mark McCullough at Jan 15, 2018 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

General information for teams  / new teams

Franchise renewals are for returning leagues, for new leagues you must fill out a franchise application, all forms can be found at click Boys& Majors.

The online franchise system can be accessed at: Here you can complete the form & pay using PayPal or Credit Card. You can also request to pay by check and receive an invoice for your records.

For new leagues, please read our rulebook completely, check you age charts in the back of the rulebook ( on-line also ) and franchise! 

Suggestions -

Get a meeting together with all of your coaches and invite us down to help you. 

Get your copies of the rulebook and go thru it.

Draft your teams , read the recommended guidelines for your draft.

Assign a player agent to help with the draft. Remember to check for proper age

Fill out your regular season player rosters before your first game and mail them in or e-mail them in. these player rosters are due before your first game, not June the 1st.

List of forms needed from regular season thru tournaments

Franchise renewal /  New league franchise

 Tournament time-

Medical release form

Tournament team Affidavit

Team insurance as per DBB rulebook


  • Special Note  All host’s must have insurance for their parks at all DBB tournaments *