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Posting of Game Scores

Posted by Michael Polikoff at Apr 12, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
**ATTENTION MANAGERS** You are responsible for reporting the game score to if your team WINS !!
 If you do not report the winning score within 24 hours, your team WILL NOT be credited with the win and WILL FORFEIT the game.
Tee-Ball scores standings schedules
Lob-Ball scores standings schedules
International scores standings schedules
Pan-Continental scores standings schedules
The Majors scores standings schedules
Girls' Softball scores standings schedules
Game scores are posted as soon as they're received from a league official. Managers, please contact your league's player agent if your score was incorrectly posted. Incomplete games with a score will NOT be posted until the game is officially completed.
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Posted by Michael Polikoff at Apr 9, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
  • Games begin after July 4th
  • Men and women equally on field
  • Open to all FHYAA family members, Coaches, Managers or parents of children enrolled in ANY of our sports programs can join
  • Group sign ups encouraged All interested players should email Brandi or call 718-986-2707image
  • March 24, 2007 - Tom, Carl and Mike attended a special Field Maintenance Clinic hosted by the NY Mets at Shea Stadium. Approximately 60 volunteers from other organizations in the Tri-state area were separated into four groups as they joined the field operations manager and his grounds crew on the field. Each of the groups rotated through different stations that were focused on the following topics:
  • Turf Management - grass selection, fertilization, irrigation, substrates and mowing techniques
  • Field Maintenance - maintaining the pitcher’s mound, home plate, bullpen, base paths and warning track areas
  • Tools & Equipment - mowers, drags, rakes, line markers and templates Following a brief presentation at each of the stations we were able to ask a lot of questions and obtain valuable information from the field operations manager and his crew members. Afterwards, the NY Mets organization treated us to a BBQ lunch on the field, where we ate in the visitors dugout. It was pretty cool walking around the field and inside the stadium, it was a great and informative event. Special thanks to the NY Mets organization and Lenny Wisner for making these arrangements.image
  • The FHYAA and FH Baseball would like to share with you some of the recent major field and facility improvements that have been made. We are very proud of these accomplishments and look forward to continuing these efforts thoughout the 2009 Baseball and Soccer seasons. Future projects and status will be posted on the web site as they become available.
  • New Lights for evening play on fields 1, 2 & 3
  • New scoreboard on field 3
  • New clay infield for girls' softball on field 3
  • New outfield fence on field 3
  • New golf cart to assist family members with limited mobility access the upper fields
  • New spectator stands for field 4
  • New baseball equipment (bats, helmets, catchers gear...)
  • New Fundraising support banners on outfield fences
  • Ongoing general grounds improvement projects
  • Ongoing FHYAA clubhouse building improvements

  • Danny, Jesse, Brett, Tom and Matthew clearing debris
    click here to view more pictures

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Facilities Director, Tom Brennan for his dedication, guidance and supervision of the many improvements that have been made. Additionally, we would like to thank our groundskeepers Dexter Phillips, Robert Schmuck and Carl Bobick for their continued support and hard work.

    Special thanks to the following people for helping to get the fields in shape for Opening Day: Matthew Brennan, Larry Teper and Michael Polikoff. There are many other volunteers that assisted in these efforts, we hope to acknowledge them by name in the coming weeks.

    If you are interested in volunteering your time or would like to donate money to assist with future projects and fundraising efforts, please contact Larry Berkowitz or any league official at the fields. Your support is needed and always greatly appreciated.

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    New FHLL and FHYAA Merchandise

    Posted by Michael Polikoff at Mar 26, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
    Your purchase of the following merchandise will help support the FHYAA and the terrific programs they manage. Merchandise is on sale in the FHYAA clubhouse and each weekend (weather permitting) just outside the dugout entrance to field #1 on the path that leads up to the ballfields. Click item to enlarge image

    FHLL Retro T-shirt ($10)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    FHLL Hooded Sweatshirt ($25)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    FHYAA T-shirt ($10)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    FHYAA Denim Shirt ($20)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    FHYAA Sweatshirt ($20)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    FHYAA Fleece Shirt ($30)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    FHYAA Golf Shirt ($20)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    FHLL Windshirt ($30)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    FHYAA Cap & Mug ($10 each)
    one size fits all

    Baseball Seam Bracelet ($10)
    (3 for $25)
    one size fits all

    Softball Seam Bracelet ($10)
    (3 for $25)
    one size fits all

    FHLL Baseball Caps ($10 each)
    one size fits all

    FH Softball Hoodie ($20)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    FH Softball Hoodie ($20)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    FH Softball Sweats ($20)
    sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL

    For additional information on when and where to purchase merchandise, please contact Larry Berkowitz at 718-544-2296


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