
News and Announcements

Wow! What a big turnout for the BPA Memorial Weekend Tournament in Owensboro, KY. With over 100 teams participating, this was the strongest field yet this year. The Spikes 8U team finished in first place, going undefeated throughout the tournament. The 9U, 10U & 11U took home a very respectable runner-up in each of their divisions. Check each teams individual webpage for more information (see instructions below). Way to go Spikes!!! For even more Spikes team info visit each of the teams respective Webpage on this site. To get to them, click on "Find a Spikes Team" on the left menu, then the year of the season on the right side of the next screen and then the age division you are looking for on the left of the final screen.... ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 8U site ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 9U site ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 10U site ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 11U site ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 12U site ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 13U site Way to go Spikes!!!!imageimageimage
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Posted by Keith Waninger at May 30, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
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Posted by Keith Waninger at May 15, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Team pictures from The 4th Annual Mid-May CLASSIC USSSA NIT image
On May 13th and 14th the Spikes organization participated in the 4th Annual Mid -May Classic NIT USSSA baseball tourney held in Cincinnati, Ohio. On Friday night, the Cincinnati Reds were at home against the Phillies and most Spikes players, parents, brothers, sisters and coaches attended the game. At first, it was thought the game might be cancelled due to inclement weather, but ‘ole mother nature held off and the game went on as scheduled. Everyone that was there had a great time at the Great American Ball Park. As Saturday morning rolled around, rain caused some delays in the tournament schedule, but by noon most divisions were playing with revised game times. As the tournament concluded on Sunday, the 9U and 10U teams finished runners-up in their divisions and the 12U team took home a respective third place. Way to go Spikes! imageimage
Results are in for the D&B/BPA Spring Fling Tournament held in Owensboro, KY. April 28-29-30. The weather forecast was for a 90% chance of rain on Saturday and Sunday, but the Meteorologists thankfully missed that one for the most part. The rain held off on Saturday and there was a heavy shower that came through Sunday moring causing a rain delay for the 8U, 9U & 10U age groups and a tournament format re-structure for the 11U, 12U and 13U divisions (the championship games were cancelled for time constraint reasons). The 8U team battled to finish a strong third in their respective division. The 10U team had two tough games in the finals to finish runner-up. The 12U team fell into the losers bracket early in the tournament and had to battle back playing seven games to finish a strong second. The 13U team brough home the second place hardware in their respective division. ...Way to go Spikes!!! To find the B.P.A. points standings for all Spikes teams and other teams that participate in the Owensboro area B.P.A. tournaments Click Here: KY BPA YOUTH BASEBALL POINTS BOARD To read the news article released by the tournament promotors of 3rd Annual BPA Spring Fling and all of the results, visit the tournament website at (just click here) D & B Sporting Events For even more Spikes team info visit each of the teams respective Webpage on this site. To get to them, click on "Find a Spikes Team" on the left menu, then the year of the season on the right side of the next screen and then the age division you are looking for on the left of the final screen.... ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 8U site ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 9U site ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 10U site ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 11U site ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 12U site ...or click here to go direct to the 2006 13U site image
