News and Announcements

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2010 Tournament and Title Game

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Aug 25, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
To clear up some confusion about the upcoming week, here is the schedule.  After discussing the matter, we decided that most people want to play ball, so why waste a couple good playing days.  Therefore we are having games on Tuesday and Thursday next week for all teams.  They are not makeup games from previous weeks that were canceled, but rather games that we think will enhance the tournament by using these two days to position teams for the tournament (in other words, seeding the teams).   We have matched teams up according to their current ranking as best we could to help break ties, let teams close to each other play for position, etc.
Custom Wood Working won the first half outright.  After today's games, Team Travers and Dynamic PT are tied with a record of 10 and 3 for the winner of the second half.  Therefore, on Tuesday those two teams will play to determine who will play CWW for the overall title on Thursday.
Tuesday's Schedule is:
Field 1     08:30     Millville by the Sea vs. American Legion #24 - umpires are Fat Tuna
Field 2     08:30     Team Travers vs. Dynamic PT - umpires are Precision Sportsware
Field 1     10:00     Fat Tuna Grill vs MX PT - umpires are AL #24
Field 2     10:00     Precision Sportsware vs B $ E Tires - umpires are Dynamic PT
Field 1     11:30     DelMarVa LTCI vs Colonial East - umpires are MX PT
Field 2     11:30     Ocean View Family Rest. vs Custom WW - umpires are B & E Tires
Thursday Schedule is:
Field 1     08:30     Millville by the Sea vs Fat Tuna Grill - umpires are AL #24
Field 2     08:30     loser of the Dynamic/Travers game Tuesday vs Precision - umps OVFR
Field 1     10:00     DelMarVa LTCI vs AL #24 - umpires are Millville
Field 2     10:00     OVFR vs B & E Tires - umpires are Travers
Field 1     11:30     MX PT vs Colonial East - umpires are LTCI
Field 2     11:30    Custom Woodworking vs winner of Travers/Dynamic game Tues
                                                         umpires are B & E Tires
For the tournament on 9/7 and 9/9, the seeding will be determined after these games.  Since I will be out of town for 9 days, Bo and Tom Farrah will handle the schedule for the tournament and it will be posted after next Thursday's games - Dick

Executive Committee Minutes

August 12, 2010

The Executive Committee met on this date to discuss the upcoming season ending tournament, the annual OTS picnic and general business.  Present were Bo Wood, Tom Farrah, Archie Alexander and Dick Mullins.

1)  To date, we have missed a total of 4 games this season due to rain or extreme heat.  One in the first half, three in the second half.  We only have one day that we can use to make up games, that is August 31.  We may schedule games that are meaningful for seeding in the tournament.  This is yet to be determined.

2)  The tournament is single elimination and will be held on September 7th and 9th, with games at 9, 10:30 and 12:00 noon.  We anticipate the extreme heat we have experienced will diminish.  Basically we will have, on day 1, seeded teams playing as follows.  1 vs 12, 2 vs 11, 3 vs 10, 4 vs 9, 5 vs 8 and 6 vs 7.  The six winners will play on day two with the two top seeded winning teams having a bye the 9:00 am game, then they'll play the winners of that early game, and the winners will move on to the final game at noon to determine the winner.

3)  The championship game will take place on September 2 between the first half and second half winners.  Time to be announced, will be held on Field 2.

4)  The Annual Picnic will once again be held at the American Legion Post #24 on Wednesday, September 15 from 3 to 6 pm.  Rain date is the 16th.  Cost is same as last year, $5 per person.

5)  Fall Ball:  Managers need to get a head count of who will be playing Fall Ball, we anticipate forming 8 teams to play from September 14 through October.  At that time Fall Ball is done, winter ball starts until Spring, 2011.

6)  Manager's Rating Meeting:  The annual managers/ass't manager meeting to rate players will take place on Tuesday, August 31 after the day's games.  It will be held at the American Legion #24, all managers should have their rating sheets in prior to this day so copies for all team representatives can be made.

7)  OTS Elections:  This is the year when the Executive Committee is up for election.  The Secretary will notify the league by e-mail, managers need to let those players on their teams that do not have e-mail know of the elections.  All votes will be counted by August 31 and the announcement of who filled the  positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary will be made.  Anyone interested in holding one of these positions, contact the Secretary so your name can be put on the ballot.

8)  Special Committee Formed:  The Executive Committee is in the process of forming a 7 person committee, with the V/P as its' Chair, to review and possibly develop rules and regulations pertaining to our league games.  An example of some of the issues they will be asked to review include:  Game schedules (how many games, i.e. length of play), a weather policy for cancelling or altering game times, whether the league should be split into 2 division based on age, ability or a combination of both and the substitute runner rule.  We feel it is better to have a smaller committee develop the programs and make recommendations to the full Board of Directors (Executive Committee and Team Managers) rather than have 14 individuals being involved.

9)  Work Day:  We hope to schedule a work day at the fields in September to level out some areas, remove weeds and crabgrass, etc.  Further info to follow.



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July 4 Picnic A Great Time For All

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 2, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The 2010 Juky 4 Picnic was a great success.  President Bo Wood is to be commended.  Fine Food and Drinks were supplied by the Walkers and Clements and paid for by the League.  Almost 100 were in attendance.  Four teams played one on one Tournment with the Walkers (1-0-0) besting the Bokop and the Sherry Teams (each 0-0-1) and the Thomas Team (0-1-0).  In the first annual long distance hitting contest Mike Luke (150 feet + 23 Strides) bested Frank Kerns (150 +21.5 Strides) and Mike Bahr (150 + 19 Strides) and another nine hitters.  Pictures will be posted at a later date ( we hope).
Custom Woodworking Wins OTS First Half Summer 2010 Season.  Led By Paul Litwin and Chris Houliday, they won two straight to beat out B&E Tire which lost two straight the last week of the season. As a result B&E was edged out by Precision Sportswear and Dynamic PT who finished in a tie for second. The first half competitions appeared to be well balanced with the top eight teams seperated by just 3.5 games.  The complete 2010 First Half Standings can be found in stem under Standings.  The second half begins on July 6 at 8:30 am on Fields 1 & 2.
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2010 OTS General Membership Meeting

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Apr 4, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

OTS General Membership Meeting

April 5, 2010


The OTS General Membership Meeting took place tonight at 6:30 at the Bethany Town Hall.  The meeting was called to order by Bo Wood, President.


1)  Bo opened the meeting with a thank you to the Church of God in Dagsboro, Delaware for their continued support of our league.  He also took the time to acknowledge and list the 2010 sponsors for our league.  We currently have 9 paid up, with 3 more pending but committed.


2)  The league officers were introduced.  President is Bo Wood, VP is Tom Farrah, Treasurer is Archie Alexander and Secretary is Dick Mullins.


3)  The managers/assistants and their team assigment are:

          Bo Wood/John Bokop - Dynamic PT

          Jesse Bare/Hal Alpiar - Precision Sportsware

          George Hunt/              (w/Mike Carta) - Colonial East

         Joel Finestine/Phil Martin - DelMarVa Long Term Care Insurance Center 

          Roger Howard/Jack Daly - Millville by the Sea

          Pat Sherry/Johnny Allen - American Legion Post 24

          Ed Sternberg/Dick Mullins - Team Travers

          Graydon Meredith/Neil Fleming - B & E Tires

          John Mancuso/John Walker - Ocean View Family Restaurant

                                /                      - Custom Wood Working

                                /                      - MX Physical Therapy

                                /                      - Fat Tuna Grill


4)  Treasurer Report - Archie advised we have $6370 in the bank, however some bills were received that will have to be paid.  The shirts, hats, insurance, balls and equipment have been paid for already.   He has sent letters to more prospective sponsors, waiting to hear from them.


5)  Field Maintenance and Operations - the preparing of the fields by the different teams went well last year, it will be continued.  The team assigned that week will be identified in the season's schedule.  The tractor is being overhauled at a cost of about $300, and should be available to cut grass and do field work soon.

The infields were discussed, Bo has looked into have a suitable mix put on the fields, however the cost is $1000 per load so will have to be done over time.  He inspected a field that used this mix, it provides a very nice field.


6)  The ASA is experimenting with allowing any bat to be used, by mandating a severly restrictive flight ball (rubber) to be used.  We are not doing this, we will continue with the same rules for bats and balls as last year.

Our league has purchased face masks and shin guards for pitchers to use, and we strongly encourage all pitchers to use this protection.  We have looked into having pitchers sign a waiver if they choose not to use the protective gear, however the legality of such a waiver is in question.  So, for now we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE all pitchers to use the face guards and shin guards.


7)  Game Schedules:  Discussion took place as to the length of games, pitch count, etc.  A motion was made by Mike Carta, second by Graydon Meredith, to have 7 inning games that start with a 0-0 count.  On very hot days, when both managers agree, the games will be 7 innings and start with a 1-1 count.  No courtesy fouls are allowed.  Motion passed.


8)  Insurance - A question was raised concerning the insurance our league has.  This insurance is not medical and does not provide any coverage for injuries to players.  It is liability coverage required by the COG to protect them in the event someone gets hurt while playing in our league on their property.


9)  Number of Teams - our goal is to have 12 teams, we currently have over 140 players signed up to play, we anticipate several more returning players and some new ones signing up.  We would like to have 13 players on the 12 teams for a total of 156 players.

The subject of the number of players per teams was brought up for discussion.  In the past, the number of players has been an issue.  When short, too many phone calls had to be made to get players.  When teams had too many players, the managers had to take a lot of time during the games to ensure everyone played, which detracted from the game.  Also, with the decision to play 7 innings  rather than 9, it mean teams with too many players would have some only play 3 innings, which is not acceptable for many players, some traveling long distances to come to play.  The consensus of the discussion was having too few players was more desireable than having too many, as there were usually players willing to stay and play more than one game.

10)  Tom Farrah discussed the upcoming meeting/game with the Exec. Comm, Managers and Assistants and all umpires.  The intent is to have a game where we can stop, discuss calls, go over rules that have been an issue and train new umpires.  With each team represented by a manager or assistant, this hopefully will eliminate misinterpretation of rules of play during league play.

Each team must provide an umpire team.


11)  Practice Schedule - the practice schedule is on the web site and has been sent out by e-mail.


12)  Bo discussed the Olney Tournament, our participation will depend on how many are interested.  More to come.


13)  CPR/AED Training - we have an AED, kept at the American Legion Post #24, that is brought to games and practices.  Training will take place for those interested, also if anyone already trained wants a refresher on using the AED, contact Dick Mullins.


14)  Open Discussion - From the floor, anyone with questions?  The substitute runner rule was discussed, specifically where the rubber is and how far back it is, and whether anyone could actually beat out an infield ball since it is so far back.  We will monitor this to see how effective it is having it back.  We are allowing anyone to run anytime, but only once per inning.  Also, those who require a runner must be identified prior to the start of the game unless a player in injured during the game.

No first year players are allowed to manage or be an assistant manager, it is felt they would not know the players, their limitations, etc.


Bo adjourned the meeting at 7:45 with no further discussion.


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