News and Announcements

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Fall Ball Underway

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Sep 14, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The Fall Ball season has begun. You can download the schedule by clicking on the Handout below.


Congratulations to Manager Steve Carey, Assistant Manager Mike Krieg and all the players on the Atlantic Orthopaedics team.

With their 12 - 0 victory over Diamond Blade Tileworks last Thursday, they wrapped up first place for the 2016 season.

The battle for 2nd place continues on Tuesday.

The double-elimination end-of-year tournament starts on Thursday. Here's the bracket. Seedings will be determined by the final standings.

The bracket can be downloaded below. 


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Fall Ball Registration Begins

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Aug 14, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Register has started for Fall Ball.

The Fall Season starts 9/13 and runs through 10/27. Registration ends 9/1.

The fee for Fall Ball is only $10 per player. 

The registration form can be downloaded below.

Fill out the form and mail along with your check to the address on the form, or give your form and check to Carl Pierce, Dick Mullins or Tom Wendorf.

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Mike Fleetwood Recommends Back Surgeon

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 28, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

From Mike Fleetwood:  

Yesterday, I appeared for my follow-up visitation for back surgery with Dr. Bydon. I must tell you, I have had two surgeries since August 8, 2013 with Dr. Bydon as my spine surgeon. The 1st surgery was August 8, 2013, fusing C 2,3,4 5, and 6, two titanium rods and 10 screws. The 2nd was 9/17/15, fusing L4, L5, and S1, with two titanium rods and 6 screws. Both were done perfectly with no problems.

Dr. Bydon is the Spine Surgeon Messiah in my opinion. I am nearly 68 years of age, in excellent health, and I have played World and National Senior Softball tournament play. If not for Dr. Bydon, I probably would be paralyzed now. I have recommended him to friends, family, and our league (164 players), if they or friends/family have spine issues, they need to contact him. He is without a doubt one of the best spine surgeons in the world. In addition, his bedside manner is second to nobody.

I have so much respect for him. I just wanted you to know my thoughts about Dr. Bydon. Johns Hopkins Hospital is so fortunate to have him.


 (The above testimonial in no way reflects any opinion of OTS or its officers)

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8th Annual Golf Tournament

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 23, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )



Sign up now! Registration form below. Flyer also. See Handout below.



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