News and Announcements


March 20, 2018  

In attendance: Executive Officers - Bo Wood, Steve Carey, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf.

Team Managers - Johnny Allen, Russ Bowen, Pat Carey, Harry Gowl, Dave Lovelace, Phil Martin, Grady Meredith, Bob Miller, Dick Mullins, Dave Sroka and Steve Unger.

  • The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by Bo.}
  • Keith presented the Treasurer’s Report. A balance of $6,431 was carried over from the end of 2017. Many expenses have been paid for 2018, but there are still some to come, including field maintenance and grass cutting services.
  • In the absence of Carl, Tom reported that there were 170 players registered for the 2018 season. Steve reported that he had received 2 registrations the day before, which brought the total to 172. (Post-meeting update: As of 3/26, 173 players are currently registered.)
    • American Legion Post #24
    • B & E Tire and AlignmentFox’s
    • Pizza Den
    • Pivot Physical Therapy (post-meeting update: check has been received)
  • The American Legion Post #28 in Long View was announced as a new sponsor, taking the place of Diamondblade Tileworks. Keith Purdy will manage this team with Buddy Griffith as his assistant.
  • Harry Gowl announced his resignation as team manager of Fox’s Pizza Den due to health reasons. Harry will not be a player to start the year, but will continue to be active in OTS, including doing some umpiring. Bob Miller will take his place as manager of Fox’s.
  • The sponsors, managers and assistants for 2018 are:
    • All Out Sports - Pat Carey, Gene McCloskey
    • American Legion Post #24 - Johnny Allen, Bucky Wicklein
    • American Legion Post #28 - Keith Purdy, Buddy Griffith
    • Atlantic Orthopaedics - Steve Carey, Mike Krieg
    • Atlantic Physical Therapy - Steve Unger, Paul Moloney
    • B & E Tire & Alignment - Grady Meredith, Neil Fleming
    • Bin 66 - Dave Sroka, Mike Ohr
    • Colonial East Ltd. - Dave Lovelace, Bill Straughan
    • Community Bank Delaware - Russ Bowen, John Bradshaw
    • Edward Jones Investments - Dick Mullins, Eddie Sternberg
    • Fox's Pizza Den - Bob Miller, Dave Archer
    • Ocean View Family Restaurant - John Walker, Phil Martin
    • Pivot Physical Therapy - Bo Wood, John Bokop
  • Bo gave a status of several items:
    • The new irrigation system is being installed Sequoia, the company that was used last year to cut our grass on several occasions, has indicated that they cannot to continue to cut our grass at the 2017 price. A substantial increase is expected. Bo will request an estimate from Sequoia and other options will be explored.
    • The first fence ad sign, sponsored by B&E, is in the making and will be displayed as soon as it’s available.
    • A wooden roof will be put over the bleachers on the 1st base side of Field #1 to provide shade. Plans are to have OTS players do the work. A work day will be announced.
  • Steve announced that an umpire training session will be held on Thursday, April 12th starting at 2:00. The location will be announced once arrangements are finalized.
  • Tom presented the proposed By-Laws amendments an answered questions pertaining to them. A motion was made and seconded to accept all the amendments. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Tom presented 2 rule changes made by SSUSA which will be followed by OTS: 
    • SSUSA now allows any player to wear any glove or mitt. (Note: this rule has been in the OTS By-Laws for several years. Since it is now in the SSUSA rules, it has been removed from the OTS By-Laws.)
    • Starting this season, a courtesy runner may enter the game only prior to the first pitch to any batter.
  • A motion was made and seconded to change the starting count for a batter to 1 ball and 1 strike and allow a courtesy foul once there were 2 strikes on the batter. The motion carried by a vote of 9 – 6.
  • Several topics for open discussion were presented:
    • Steve Unger questioned whether OTS should require pitchers to wear face masks and not give them the option of signing a waiver since this is the SSUSA rule and we get our liability insurance through them. Keith didn’t think this was a problem with the insurance but said he will check with SSUSA. (Post-meeting update: Keith has received confirmation from SSUSA that this is not an issue.)
    • Pat Carey introduced an idea for an OTS Hall of Fame to honor significant accomplishments of OTS players on and off the field. After discussion, the Executive Committee authorized the creation of an ad hoc committee to investigate the development of an OTS Hall of Fame. Pat Carey agreed to be chairman of this committee. Grady Meredith, Harry Gowl, Russ Bowen and Steve Carey volunteered to be members.
    • Pat Carey requested that each team hit their own league softball, which would be marked with the team’s name or other identifying mark. This would ensure that a team was hitting a new ball at the beginning of the game. Currently, the home team manager is to provide 1 new ball and 1 playable backup ball to the umpire at the beginning of each game. It was pointed out that this proposal would double the amount of softballs needed for the season which is an expense the league is not willing to accept. It was agreed among the managers that the new softball for each game would be given to the umpire still wrapped.
    • Pat Carey proposed the creation of a Suspension Review Committee that consisted of more than the Executive Officers. It was pointed out that Section V of the By-Laws allows for an appeal of a suspension of more than one game that will be heard by the Board of Directors. No further action was taken.
    • Pat Carey opened discussion on allowing a non-playing roster player to enter the game as a courtesy runner. Due to the OTS rules allowing substitutions for non-playing roster players, it was deemed to not be appropriate to allow this. No further action was taken.
  • The practice schedule was distributed. (Post-meeting update: changes had to be made to the practice schedule. The revised practice schedule will be distributed shortly.)
  • Everyone was reminded that anyone pitching, even during batting practice, is required to wear an approved face mask unless they sign a Face Mask Waiver. If a player has already signed a waiver, there is no need to sign another one. Waivers are available in the shed on Field #2.
  • Several managers asked for a list of players who have signed a waiver. This will be given to them shortly.
  • It was noted that the date for this year’s Golf Tournament is Tuesday, October 16.
  • Attendees were reminded of important dates for the 2018 season: 
    • OTS General Meeting - Monday, April 2 at 6:00 p.m., Bethany Beach Town Hall
    • Pre-season practices start Tuesday, April 3 with 2017 teams
    • New Player Evaluation Day – Tuesday, April 17
    • Player draft – Monday, April 23, 10:00 a.m., Dagsboro Fire Department
    • Practice with new teams starts –Tuesday, April 24
    • Season starts – Tuesday, May 1 and runs through August
  • The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


T. Wendorf, Acting Secretary


March 13, 2018

In attendance: Bo Wood, Steve Carey, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce.


  • The meeting was called to order at 11:30 by Bo.

  • Keith presented the Treasurer’s Report. He noted that funds are adequate for the time being and that most bills are paid for our current needs. He added we need to be aware of continuing maintenance costs and projects that draw on our budget and we should be remain active with our fund-raising events.

  • Carl gave an update on the registration status. As of 3/13, 171 players had registered. (Post-meeting update: As of 3/26, 173 players are currently registered.)

  • Carl gave an update of the receipt of 2018 fees from team sponsors. Teams that still owe the sponsorship fee for 2018:

    • American Legion Post #24
    • B & E Tire and Alignment
    • Fox’s Pizza Den
    • Pivot Physical Therapy (post-meeting update: check has been received)

  • American Legion Post #28 in Long View, DE was announced as a new sponsor. Managers and assistant managers are being finalized. (Post-meeting update: Keith Purdy and Buddy Griffith will manage this team. Pat Carey and Gene McCloskey will manage the All Out Sports team.)

  • Bo provided a status on several items:

    • The new irrigation system is being installed.
    • A wooden roof will be put over the bleachers on the 1st base side of Field #1 to provide shade. Plans are to have OTS players do the work. A work day will be announced.
    • Sequoia, the company that was used last year to cut our grass on several occasions, has indicated that they cannot to continue to cut our grass at the 2017 price. A substantial increase is expected. Bo will request an estimate from Sequoia and other options will be explored.
    • The first fence ad sign, sponsored by B&E, is in the making and will be displayed as soon as it’s available.

  • Keith announced that we will be using .44/375 Tatoo softballs. There are still some Trump Stote .44/375 balls left over from last season that will be used in 2018 games. Thanks to Pat Carey for arranging a substantial discount on the purchase of the Tattoo softballs.

  • Several By-Laws amendments were presented for review. These will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval.

  • The availability of numbered shirts for new players to wear during the April practices was discussed.

  • Keith announced that the Weather Line and Port-A-Johns will be available
    starting April 1st.

  • Tom announced that Dave Lovelace and Bill Straughan will run the Monday Open Practices again this year.

  • Steve reported that the March 23rd Bowling Tournament is ready to go. All 24 lanes at the bowling alley have been filled. In addition to bowling, there will be a 50/50 raffle and a Chinese auction.

  • Important upcoming dates were reviewed. The date for the new player evaluation was changed to April 17.

    Important Dates:
    OTS General Meeting - Monday, April 2 at 6:00 p.m., Bethany Beach Town Hall
    Pre-season practices start Tuesday, April 3 with 2017 teams
    New Player Evaluation Day – Tuesday, April 17
    Player draft – Monday, April 23, time and location TBA
    Practice with new teams starts – Tuesday, April 24
    Season starts – Tuesday, May 1 and runs through August
  • The meeting was adjourned at 1:40.


Respectfully submitted,


C. Pierce, Secretary

Post Author Picture


Posted by Tom Wendorf at Mar 26, 2018 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

This year’s Bowling Tournament was the best ever and was a huge success. Special thanks to the Tournament Committee led by Mary Lou Straughan, including Steve Carey and Bill Straughan.

Congratulations to the winners of the bowling prizes:

High Scratch Female: Mickey Ponton

High Scratch Male: Wayne Saia

High Handicap Female: Caryn Luckett

High Handicap Male: Rodney Southerland

First Place Team Handicap Series: Lane 5 (Mulwhinney, Braver, Snead, Sudina)

Second Place Team Handicap Series: Lane 6 (Burd, Hook, Burd, Unger)

Third Place Team Handicap Series : Lane 7 (Marino, Lovelace, Givens, Mary Lou Straughan)


And thanks to the restaurants and other businesses who donated prizes:

Bin 66

Captain’s Pizza & Grill

Coastal Chiropractic

Doyle’s Restaurant

Fenwick Surf Shop

Fisher’s Popcorn

Fox’s Pizza Den - Bayside

Frankford Diner

Georgia House of Millsboro

Lighthouse Liquors

Long Neck Diner


Millsboro Bowling Lanes

Millsboro Pizza Palace

Millville/Fenwick Island Pet Stop

Ocean View Family Restaurant

Selbyville Holly Kia

Stargate Diner

Texas Roadhouse

The Starboard


Thanks to those who helped get donations and/or made personal donations: 

Guy Burd

Steve Carey

Phil Martin

Keith Purdy

Dave Sroka

Eddie Sternberg

Mary Lou Straughan

Dawn Bunting

Rick Duncan

Mike Fleetwood

Harry Gowl

Don Hillock

Grady Meredith

Bill Straughan

Mary Lou Straughan

Bo Wood

Leslie Wendorf


And last, but certainly not least, thanks to those who worked the tournament:

Pat Carey

Harry Gowl

Bob Miller

Carl Pierce

Leslie Wendorf

Tom Wendorf

Post Author Picture


Posted by Tom Wendorf at Feb 18, 2018 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Only a month to go before the 5th Annual Bowling Tournament.

There are only a few spots left - register now. Get the registration form below.




January 16, 2018

In attendance: Bo Wood, Steve Carey, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce.

  • The meeting was called to order at 11:30 by Bo.
  • Bo presented a report on the first fence sign. Bo has received a check from B&E along with the design requested by that sponsor. He will make arrangements with Mike Fleetwood to get the sign made.
  • Carl gave an update on the registration status. As of 1/15, 155 players had registered. (Post-meeting update: As of 1/22, 166 players had registered.)
  • Carl gave an update of the receipt of 2018 fees from team sponsors. Teams that still owe the sponsorship fee for 2018:
    • American Legion
    • Atlantic Physical Therapy (Post-meeting update – sponsor is processing check request)
    • B & E
    • Diamondblade Tileworks (in process)
    • Fox’s Pizza
    • Pivot Physical Therapy

  • Keith requested a third step in monitoring OTS funds. Hard copies of the monthly bank statements will be given to the secretary for review and filing. The purpose is to add another level of security to money-handling. An amendment to the By-Laws will be created to reflect this requirement.

  • Steve gave an update on the progress of the bowling tournament. Lanes are filling up fast – 15 teams had registered. (Post-meeting update – 22 of the 24 lanes are filled.)

  • Dates were established for meetings in March:
    • Executive Committee – Tuesday, March 13, 11:30 a.m.
    • Board of Directors – Tuesday, March 20, 1:00 pm at the Dagsboro Fire Department


The meeting was adjourned at 12:45.

Respectfully submitted,


C. Pierce, Secretary


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