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We will be running a five-day Mon-Fri camp over the summer break from at Alga Norte Park field ball field 2 from July 31st to August 4th. The camp is 3 hours (9am-12pm), and the cost is $250 until June 1st, and then will be $300 thereafter. Each day players will be broken into skill levels and work through a progression of positional skills, small group drills, and small-sided games. This is a great way to get your stick out during the off season. Staff will include Head CUI coach Jesse Foss, college coaches, and current players at the collegiate level. New players are welcome to join, however they would have to provide their own equipment. We look forward to seeing you! Please contact Jen Foss at 760-212-9784 if you have any questions.


I acknowledge that I have registered either myself (being 18 years of age or older) or my child (either myself or my child, as applicable, shall be referred to as the “Player”) in one or more lacrosse programs organized by Coastal Lacrosse.  I agree to provide this release and waiver of liability of Coastal Lacrosse and each of their affiliates in exchange for the opportunity for the Player to participate in any Coastal Lacrosse event (collectively “Coastal Lacrosse Program”).  This waiver and release shall remain effective for so long as, and at any time that, the Player participates in any Coastal Lacrosse Program.
I acknowledge, understand, and appreciate that the novel coronavirus infection (“COVID-19”) has been confirmed throughout the United States, including several cases within California and surrounding states.  I understanding that COVID-19 extremely contagious and, although the state of medical knowledge is evolving, it is general believed that the virus is spread from person-to-person contact, by contact with contaminated surfaces and objects, and/or in the air. I understand and agree that (i) despite reasonable efforts Coastal Lacrosse cannot prevent me from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 while participating in an Coastal Lacrosse Program; and (ii) that due to the nature of the facilities, services, and programs offered by Coastal Lacrosse, social distancing may not be possible.   Therefore, I understand that if I participate in an Coastal Lacrosse Program I may be exposing myself to, or increasing my risk of contracting or spreading,
COVID-19.  I further understand that if infected with COVID-19 I could be seriously injured, quarantined, disabled, or even die.  Moreover, in accordance with guidance and protocols issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the State of California, regarding slowing the transmission and spread of COVID-19, I agree, represent, and warrant, that I shall not participate in an Coastal Lacrosse Program or visit any Coastal Lacrosse facility if I (i) have experienced symptoms of COVID-19 (including without limitation, fever (100º or higher), cough, shortness of breath, excessive tiredness, diarrhea, nausea, loss of smell, or other flu and cold like symptoms) within the last 14 days; (ii) have been in close contact with anyone who has been a confirmed carrier of the COVID-19 virus; or (iii) have a suspected or diagnosed/confirmed case of COVID-19.  I hereby forever release and waive my right to bring any suit, action, or proceeding against Coastal Lacrosse and its owners, officers, directors, managers, officials, trustees, agents, employees, or other representatives in connection with the exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19.

I hereby represent that the Player is physically and mentally able to participate in lacrosse and has no health problems or physical or mental conditions that would present a risk to the Player or to others.
I represent that the Player is covered by comprehensive medical health insurance necessary to provide and pay for any and all costs of medical treatment (including transportation costs associated with obtaining medical care).
I understand, and the Player understands, that lacrosse:
1.         Involves playing an aggressive contact sport with others. 
2.         The sport inherently involves a high degree of risk that could result in SERIOUS BODILY
INJURY OR DEATH to the Player or to other participants. 
3.           Participants in the sport of lacrosse bear the risk of a number of bodily injuries arising in a contact sport with objects moving at high speeds, and the sport involves a high degree of risk of the following types of bodily injuries:
Ligament sprain, Muscle strain, Contusion, Concussion, Fracture, Shoulder separation, Torn cartilage, Tendonitis/bursitis, Loss of a testicle, Dislocation, Stress fracture, and Paralysis.
By enrolling the Player in the Coastal Lacrosse Programs, I certify that the Player is aware of all of the inherent dangers of participating in lacrosse. I further certify that the Player is familiar with the rules of the game and of the field and will to the best of his/her ability play under control and avoid injury to himself/herself and other persons playing the game. I understand that the Player should not participate in this program if he/she is under the influence of drugs or alcohol or if there are any other physical conditions that may impair his/her ability to understand instructions or to participate without creating risk to him/herself or others. 
In exchange for the right for the Player to participate in the Coastal Lacrosse Programs, I hereby assume all risks associated with lacrosse, including the RISK OF SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, DEATH and/or PROPERTY DAMAGE and the negligence of Coastal Lacrosse, and I hereby agree NOT TO SUE Coastal Lacrosse, nor their sponsors, directors, officers, employees, coaches, volunteers, instructors, agents, partners, sponsors, nor any of their affiliates (“Coastal Lacrosse Parties”) and I release the Coastal Lacrosse Parties from any and all liability, claims or demands of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise out of the Player’s participation in activities arranged by Coastal Lacrosse.  I agree NOT TO SUE and I release the Coastal Lacrosse Parties and fully accept the risk of any illness or injury suffered by the Player while taking part in the Coastal Lacrosse Programs (including injuries that might cause death), including the ones listed above and other injuries common to contact sports and injuries (including injuries that might cause death) that may arise during travel associated with the Coastal Lacrosse Programs.  I release the Coastal Lacrosse Parties and fully accept the risk of any damage to property arising out of the Coastal Lacrosse Programs.  This release will serve as a release and assumption of risk which binds my heirs, executors and administrators and for all members of my family. 
I further state that I am of lawful age and legally competent to agree to this waiver and release, and that I understand the terms herein are contractual and binding.  I have agreed to this release as my own free act and if I have any doubts concerning the contents of this waiver and release, I have had the opportunity to consult an attorney before agreeing to this waiver and release. 
I hereby grant Coastal Lacrosse consent to provide, through a medical staff of its choice, customary medical/athletic training attention, transport the Player to an appropriate facility to receive emergency medical treatment and to authorize emergency medical treatment, including hospitalization.  I grant permission to the medical personnel selected by Coastal Lacrosse to evaluate any injuries/illnesses, administer treatment, and make referrals for further care as deemed necessary. I understand and agree that the Coastal Lacrosse Parties assume no responsibility for any injury or damages which might arise out of such medical treatment. I agree to pay for any costs related to medical treatments that are not covered by insurance or if I have no medical insurance.
I agree that all photographs, either still or moving, taken of me during my participation in the Coastal Lacrosse Programs and used by the Coastal Lacrosse Parties are owned solely by the Coastal Lacrosse Parties, and the Coastal Lacrosse Parties may copyright material containing the same in whole or in part.  I agree that the Coastal Lacrosse Parties have the right to use these photographs for commercial (including without limitation publicity, promotion, and advertising) and non-commercial use without restriction and without payment of any compensation to me.  I also grant the Coastal Lacrosse Parties the nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide right, without further consideration, to use, copy, publish, reuse, or display any quote, personal statement or other testimonial given by me in connection with the Coastal Lacrosse Programs, whether given orally or in writing, in whole or in part, without restrictions, for any purpose, whether commercial or noncommercial, in any media.  I further consent to the use of any printed material in connection therewith. 

Refund Policy: You assume the responsibility for your purchase, and no refunds will be issued.

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