News and Announcements

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Posted by Clear Lake City Stars at May 11, 2022 6:56AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

To get updates about practice changes due to weather and other important information please sign-up for the Stars Remind notifications.

The document Remind_invite.pdf was attached to this post.

We would like to get a jump start on Champ Series planning. If you are interested in serving as part of the league Champ Series Committee please sign up here. The Champ Series committee will start meeting next month as we have a lot of work to be done. Remember that anyone associated with the league may serve on this committee (board members, team reps, parents, and coaches). Please remember that other than coaches if you commit to serving the Champ Series Committee we ask that you refrain from committing to your team as a volunteer at the Champ Meet.

Thank you,
Sherry Bogar
2022 CCSL Treasurer

New PARENT Volunteer Deposit Policy

Posted by Clear Lake City Stars at Mar 28, 2022 8:09PM PDT

Each family will be charged $150 as a PARENT Volunteer Deposit, payable by cash, check, or one of our new electronic methods for the 2023 season. Once your 4 PARENT volunteer credits have been met, your deposit will be returned. Checks will not be cashed up front. We will only cash your deposit check at the end of the season if your PARENT volunteer requirement is not met in full. There will be no partial refunds.

Online Payment Options for Volunteer Deposits:
PayPal –
Zelle – Coming soon
Venmo – Coming soon